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POLICY on Connection SETUP of the Local Area Network and the Internet

1. Introduction

1.1. The Center of Information Technology Services (CITS) office houses most of the University’s computer servers (i.e. mail server, database server, dns server, etc).  These servers form the heart of the Local Area Network (LAN) of the University and enable us to connect to the Internet.


1.2. It is also CITS’s responsibility to maintain, upgrade, troubleshoot, and repair these facilities (the servers, the LAN and, the Internet) to ensure smooth operation and provide optimal service to the community.

2. Connection Setup

2.1. To have access to any of the servers, a computer has to be connected to the LAN. The primary means to connect a computer to the LAN and to the Internet is the use of Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable.


2.2. An alternative connection setup intended especially for laptops, notebooks and similar devices is the Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) system.


2.3. Computer data pass through UTP or WIFI facility. Thus, if a computing device is not connected and/or configured, it cannot access the different servers of the University and the Internet.


2.4. Both UTP and WIFI have limitations; chief of them is the coverage area. If a certain computer is too far from the central node, which is the CITS office, it may not be possible to connect that equipment to the LAN and/or to the Internet.


2.5. Computing devices are connected into the LAN to form segments (i.e. President’s Office, Admission Office, Scholarship Office, and neighboring offices form a segment). A segment shares the LAN and the Internet connections. A segment can have sub-segments.

3. Computing devices that are allowed to be connected to the LAN and to the Internet

3.1. The following can be given Internet connection through the wifi facilities of the University

3.1.1. Faculty and staff. The official list of those who can be given Internet access will come from Human Resource and Administrator Development Office.

3.1.2. College, Graduate, and Medical Students. They should be officially enrolled. The official lists will come from their respective registrar office.

3.1.3. VIP visitors. These are University visitors that will need access to the Internet while they are here.


3.3. LAN/Internet connection is not granted automatically. Such privilege is granted only after a careful and thorough assessment based on need, proximity, and risk. Thus, some computers may be deemed ineligible due to the following reasons:

3.3.1. The office does not need LAN resources

3.3.2. Computer/s to be connected is/are too far from CITS office

3.3.3. High security risk to ADZU’s LAN/Internet setup

3.3.4. Incompatible operating system with the University’s setup


3.4. Only one personal computing device such as pc, laptop, tablet, and the likes can be configured to have access to the Internet through WIFI, but it will not be allowed connection through the UTP cable.


3.5. Personal LAN devices (and similar communication devices such as hubs, switches, routers, access points, etc) are not allowed to be connected to the LAN/Internet in any way.


3.6. The University does not prohibit student offices, organizations and clubs from acquiring computers and other IT equipment. However, the University through the CITS will not connect any of those computing devices to the LAN and/or to the Internet using UTP due any of the following:

3.6.1. LAN/Internet bandwidth consideration;

3.6.2. LAN/Internet equipment constraints; and

3.6.3. LAN/Internet management issues.

4. How can be connected if you still don’t have access to the LAN and the Internet

4.1. For an office, center, institute or department with no connection to the LAN and the Internet. The following is the process on how apply/request for LAN/Internet connection.

4.1.1. A request is made to the CITS (by visiting and/or calling the office and filling out a form)

4.1.2. CITS assesses the request (LAN needs, distance from the CITS, and availability of equipment), if approved proceed to 4.1.3

4.1.3. CITS requests assistance from Physical Plant Office for cable layout

4.1.4. CITS sets up the connection (crimping of cables and configuring the computing device)


4.2. Setting up a LAN/Internet connection normally takes a day or two. However, it may take longer if any of the following is encountered:

4.2.1. there are obstructions on the path for cable layout (walls, trees, etc);

4.2.2. the computing devices to be connected if relatively far from CITS (article 2.4);

4.2.3. availability of LAN equipment; and

4.2.4. availability of personnel who can layout the cable.


4.3. For WiFi connection, one has to visit the CITS and bring along his/her computing device to be configured. Please see WiFi guidelines for details.

5. LAN/Internet Maintenance and Protection

5.1. The CITS is tasked to maintain the overall performance of the University’s LAN and Internet connections. Nevertheless, respective heads of office, center, institute, unit, and department are also expected to do their part in making sure that the LAN/Internet setup is maintained and protected by:

4.1.1. Informing the CITS ahead of time for any repair to be done in the office that may affect the cabling layout;

4.1.2. Making sure that the UTP cables are protected from being cut, sliced, or damaged (in any way) if there is a minor rearrangement or repositioning of furniture; and

4.1.3. Protecting LAN/Internet equipment that are placed inside the office from both natural and man-made interferences.


5.2.  An official anti-virus software, NOD 32, has been installed in all computing devices in the University. Anti-virus software does not only protect the computer where it is installed but the entire LAN system as a whole.

5.2.1. Newly acquired computing devices that pass through CITS are installed with NOD 32.

5.2.2. Donated computing devices or those devices that did/will not pass through CITS are required to have an installation of NOD 32. The CITS should be notified about these devices so that the NOD 32 will be installed and necessary configurations can be done.

5.2.3. Personal computing devices (Article 3.2) are not required to have a NOD 32 installation.


5.3. The widespread proliferation of new viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and others underscores the need to (unfailingly) update the NOD 32 on your computing devices. A single infected device can cause a downtime to the whole segment (please see Article 2.5 about segments).


5.4. From time to time, a staff from the CITS shall visit your office to conduct preventive maintenance measures.

5.5. Please read the Use of Official Software (https://old.host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp/it-use-policies/use-of-official-software.html) for additional information.

6. How to use LAN and the Internet properly

6.1. Please see policy on Use of Network and Internet (https://old.host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp/it-use-policies/use-of-network-and-internet.html).

6.2. For additional information please also read policy on Use of Office Computers by Children of Employees (https://old.host.adzu.edu.ph/revamp/it-use-policies/use-of-office-computers-by-children-of-employees.html)

7. Disconnection from LAN/Internet

To protect the integrity of AdZU’s LAN and Internet, the CITS reserves the right to disconnect and/or deny access to the LAN/Internet connection as it deems fit.

8. Review of this Policy

This policy shall be subjected to a review every year to ensure that the demands of the changing times are addressed.

Created: /cits/October 22, 2010/policy01

Minor revision: September 24, 2012

Adding of section: 3.1, May 27, 2013

Reviewed: October 26, 2013