The College of Nursing believes that the human being is created in the image and likeness of God. As such, the person is rational and free. Existing as an embodied spirit, the person is related to the world of objects, the human other and the Absolute. What the person is, the individual’s life experience and aspirations – these are all affected by the person’s continuous interactions with the various elements of experience such as the social and cultural practices, technological advancements or interactions with family and community. All these interactions influence the person’s general state of health.

Health is a dynamic state and a process of being and becoming whole and using one’s powers to the fullest extent.   It is not merely the absence of pathologic conditions.  While it is a basic human right, it also means being a responsible individual.  It is influenced by socio-economic-political-education and spiritual dimensions and may be achieved through people empowerment.

Nursing is an indispensable profession predicated on the ideals of service for the promotion of health, prevention of illness, restoration of health, alleviation of suffering and provision of a spiritual environment.  It utilizes the nursing process and is regulated by ethico-legal, moral principles.

Nursing education in conformity with the philosophy of higher education, the vision and mission of a Jesuit educational community, is committed to quality education, an active teaching-learning multi-disciplinary, cyclical process aimed at seeking the truth.  It aims to produce a compassionate, competent, committed, confident, caring, conscientious, critical-thinking generalist with the attitude, knowledge and skills in communication, nursing, research and leadership.  Furthermore, it emphasizes the core values of love of God, love of people, and love of country; relevant to the needs of the Filipino in the light of global concerns.