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Personality Development, Etiquette, Privacy, and Safety Extended to the Net

“Manners maketh man.” (Quote by William of Wykeham, popularized in the first Kingsman movie)

Continuing the mission for holistic student development, the AdZU School of Education Pre-Service Teachers learned about Personality Development, online GMRC, Data Privacy, and E-safety last August 24, 2018 at the Learning Resource Center at Salvador Campus.

SED invited College Faculty and former JHS Guidance Coordinator Amy Valmonte and University Communications Office’s Leah M Panaguiton, to give a talk on the rudiments of Netiquette and promote appropriate and responsible “online” and “off-line” behavior as being part of developing one’s personality.

In addition, the discussion included proper management of sensitive, privileged, and personal data in maintaining data privacy for online safety. All these were done with the aim of advocating responsible management of social media accounts and maintaining a well-balanced and pleasing personality both in the cyber and real world.

Engaged and intrigued, the fourth year education students were eager to raise questions and share their thoughts on the topic during the open forum. It was apparent that the students will carry with them the insights and lessons they picked up during the day’s event and put these into practice upon deployment to their areas of assignment.