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Borrowing Periodicals

Majority of the periodical materials are located at the second floor of the Fr Jose T Bacatan SJ Library. These materials are arranged in alphabetical order according to their title. Current issues are displayed and open to library clientele while back issues are made available upon reques.

Access to current and back issues of periodical materials at the Periodical Section requires a valid AdZU Identification card. Your personal Identification card is solely for your own use only.

Periodical Index is also provided to easily find articles from periodicals available in the library. Periodical Index contains citations ni which the article/s you need appears.

Parts of a Citation

Citation in an index includes:
  • Title of the article;
  • Name/s of the author;
  • Title of the periodical;
  • Volume and issue number of the periodical in which the article appears (The library indicates volume 1 and issue number 2 as Vol1. No2);
  • Date of issue in which the article appears (The library uses abbreviations for the different months as follows: JE (June), JL (July), AU (August), SE (September), OC (October), NE (November), DE (December), JA (January), FE (February), MA (March, AP (April, and MY (May)); and
  • Page/s on which the article appears (In the index it is indicated at p23-26).