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PERAA Updates

September 8, 2011


To : All Faculty & Staff
From : Aldrina A Hitalia


We are pleased to announce the following:

1. Starting October 2011, the HRADO will facilitate the mailing of all Multi Purpose Loan (MPL) and Expanded Multi Purpose Loan (E MPL) to PERAA main office every 10th of the month. All accomplished MPL and E MPL should be submitted to Ms Zeny K Fuentes before the 30th of the month. PLEASE ATTACH PHOTOCOPY OF TWO (2) VALID IDENTIFICATION CARDS. Also, affix signatures (2) on the photocopy. This batch mailing of all loan applications will facilitate PERAA’s faster processing of the loans.


2. Employee’s contribution to PERAA may now be increased to a maximum of 15%. This is a good way of saving for the future. PERAA’s interest rate is much higher than any bank’s interest on savings deposit. Please see Ms Chinkee de Castro for the arrangements.


For any update on status, beneficiaries, residences, etc. please accomplish the Change or Addition form available at our office.

Thank you.