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PAASCU Grants Ateneo Grade School Level III Accreditation

PAASCU Grants Ateneo Grade School Level III Accreditation

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School was recently granted Level III  accredited status, the highest level for basic education units, by the Philippines Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU).

The Level III Accreditation grants the Ateneo Grade School “Full Curricular Autonomy, including the authority to innovate without need for prior approval provided that the concerned DEpEd Regional Office is duly informed” and “Full autonomy including freedom from visitation, inspection and/or supervision by DepEd supervisory personnels or representatives for the direction of its Level III accredited status.” (DepEd ORDER # 32, s. 2006)

The Ateneo Grade School becomes elligible to apply for Level III status after being granted a second clean re-accreditation when the PAASCU conducted a visit last February 12 and 13, 2010.

The Level III status acknowledges that the Ateneo Grade School has a reasonably high standard of instruction and a well developed mechanism for improving and upgrading its own curriculum. It recognizes the creditable performance of Ateneo Grade School that promotes effectiveness of teaching and learning. It also acknowledges the high level of achievement and performance of students in both academic and co-curricular activities and lauds a highly visible community outreach program. The Level III status also recognizes the strong faculty and staff development tradition.

With this accreditation, the whole Grade School community looks forward to greater improvement in the programs.