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In order to enhance unity, understanding and acceptance among peoples and to aid in the formation and transformation of society, the ICSWM commits itself to:

1. Provide an avenue for better understanding among the multi-cultural and multi-religious peoples of Western Mindanao through increased awareness and knowledge of each other’s history and culture by:

     a. Collecting books, photographs, maps and other historical and cultural materials obtained through donation, reproduction or purchase, and cataloguing such as collected materials and making them available to students and researchers.

     b. Sponsoring seminars and workshops on various topics or issues on history, literature, culture, religion and Muslim and Christian relations in the region for the Ateneo community and other interested groups.

     c. Undertaking the celebration of ethnic festivals in Western Mindanao in coordination with government and non-government agencies, focusing on cultural presentations (literary, musical, dance, drama) on the various aspects of the socio-cultural world of the indigenous peoples.

2. Encourage and promote the integration of local and regional history, culture, literature and religious beliefs into the school curriculum by:

     a. Preparing lesson modules for classroom use in various subject areas on all levels.

     b. Collecting and compiling historical and cultural data in aid of those who would be writing papers, articles and books.

     c. Undertaking the publication or reprinting of significant papers, articles, monographs and books.