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Pre-eminently formative in nature, FFP-NSTP at the end of the students’ first year, should have been able to provide content and processes that facilitate among students the following:

a. Self-awareness and self-development

  • Realization of strengths/weaknesses, potentials and capabilities
  • Enhance understanding of Personality and Adolescence
  • Appreciation of God-given talents and resources

b. Growth in interpersonal relationships indicated through:

  • Increased sense of belongingness
  • Ability to relate to others and to express oneself
  • Community building
  • Teamwork

c. Adjustment to college life

  • Meeting the minimum academic requirements and demands
  • Personal discipline, ability to follow the rules and regulations

d. Appreciation and internationalization of the AdZU vision-mission and the Jesuit Education Thrust.

e. A developed and mature integration of one’s faith vis-avis one’s life responsive to the call of the time.

f. critical social conscience through social awareness and involvement.

g. Development of leadership potential and interests to participate in campus activities and related student affairs that will continue the enhancement of one’s wholistic formation.

h. Understand their respective roles in society specially the duties and responsibilities that they should comply as citizens of this nation.

i. Internalize the various virtues and positive characteristics they have learned throughout the course and apply it in their everyday activities.