Home » Migrated » NOVEMBER 29, 2011

NOVEMBER 29, 2011

Tuesday of the First Week of Advent

Reading 1: Isaiah 11:1-10

Psalm: Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17

Gospel: Luke 10:21-24

“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see”

I praise God for the gift of the Holy Spirit that I was able to see the path that God has prepared for me. Many times in my life I found myself standing in the middle of a crossroad and asking God, where’s the right path that I need to take and continue my journey. I realized that sometimes I need to stop and ask God to give me wisdom to able to see what’s in my heart and become humble like a child who is always dependent on his/her parents who always guide him/her and never leave.


As a campus minister I need to have a childlike attitude, like a child who always seeks for guidance and help from the Father, for me to be able to grow in love and wisdom so that I can inspire others.  I felt so blessed to be in this ministry because I was able to recognize God’s presence even in the most difficult and challenging time of my life. In today’s Gospel, Jesus uttered these words to his disciples “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see for I say to you many prophets and kings desired to see what you see but did not see it.” I thank God for allowing me to see and feel his presence through others and through this ministry which I love.


As we prepare for the Christmas season let us stop for a while and ask ourselves,  do we still posses the attitude of a child or have we grown up too fast not minding the presence of the Father? Once again let us kindle the fire in our hearts with love, goodness, simplicity, humility and meekness for us to be able to appreciate the gift of the Father through the coming of His Jesus.


Campus Minister