Home » Migrated » November 29, 2009 – The sports events continued and all competing colleges and departments have battled it out for gold

November 29, 2009 – The sports events continued and all competing colleges and departments have battled it out for gold

In Basketball Men, FS won over Accountancy, HS defeated SOM, and BM won over the Graduate School; in the Women’s Division, BM defeated Accountancy and CSIT won over Nursing.

In Volleyball Men, Nursing won over SLA, HS won over Graduate School, BM defeated SOM and SLA got back by winning over Accountancy; in the Women’s Division, BM won over SLA, Hs won over Fs, Nursing toppled the team of the GS and CSIT won over Graduate School.

For Darts Men, Nursing won over CSIT, FS defeated Accountancy, BM won over Graduate School and SLA defeated Educ; in the Women’s Division, Educ won over CSIT, FS defeated Nursing, BM won over SLA and Accountancy won over SOM.

In Tug-of-War Men, Nursing won over Educ, BM won over Accountancy and SOM defeated Graduate School; in the Women’s Division, Educ won over SLA, Accountancy defeated CSIT and BM won over Nursing.

In Sepak Takraw, SLA won over BM, a double default took place between FS and Nursing, Accountancy won over CSIT and SOM defeated SLA.

In Futsal Men, BM won over SOM, Nursing defeated Educ, HS toppled the FS team, and BM won over CSIT; in Women’s Division, FS won over Accountancy, Educ won over CSIT, Accountancy won over BM and SLA defeated Nursing.

Everyone is indeed ecstatic to find out who will bring home the gold in the sports competitions.