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MOA signing for District 1 Scholarship Subsidy

The blessing of the Cesar C. Climaco Journalism Lab and the Masscomm Complex, located on the 3rd floor of the  Learning Resource Center Building was held last July 29, 2011. In the same event, the Memorandum Of Agreement for the District 1 Scholarship Subsidy for college scholars was signed by district 1 representative Beng Climaco  and AdZU President, Fr Antonio F Moreno, SJ.  The scholarship subsidy provides for financial assistance of P500 per month to be given to 20 deserving scholars or a total of P5,000 every academic year.

From Left to Rght: Hon. Maria Isabelle Climaco – Salazar (Representative Zamboanga City, 1st District), Fr. Antonio F. Moreno S.J., (President) Mr. Conrado Z. Balatbat, Director, Office of Scholarships)

Blessing of the Cesar C. Climaco Journalism Lab and the Masscomm complex and MOA signing for the Distric 1 Scholarship subsidy.

Among those who joined the blessing of the Cesar C. Climaco Journalism Lab and the Masscomm Complex as well as the Scholarship Subsidy MOA signing were: Dr. Rebecca V.
, Academic Vice-President, Fr. Antonio F. Moreno S.J., President, Hon. Maria Isabelle Climaco, Representative Zamboanga City, 1st District, Ms. Silvie Jasmin Agravante Legislative Staff Officer Ms. Lilian Mae Temple-Maraviles, Head, Mass Comm. Dept., Ms. Marivic Montaño Asst. to the President, Ms. Perla S. Ledesma Coordinator, Language Projects Office, Dr. Abdu Rahim Kenoh, DepEd Superintendent, Dr. Claire Concepcion, Acting Dean, SLA, Mr. Conrado Z. Balatbat Director, Office of Scholarships, Br. Raymund E. Belleza S.J. Treasurer, Finance Office and other ADZU masscomm faculty, students and guests.