Home » CSIT News » LRMD Unit of DepEd Schools Division of Isabela City Learns to Animate

LRMD Unit of DepEd Schools Division of Isabela City Learns to Animate

The Computer Science Department of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University conducted a 5-day Training-Workshop on Animation to the Learning Resource Management and Development (LRMD) Unit of the Department of Education Schools Division of Isabela City. It was held at the Animation Laboratory, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, last October 7 to 11, 2019.

DepEd Schools Division of Isabela City LRMD Unit Animation Training-Workshop participants

The goal of the event was to train the LRMD unit in animation to produce educational materials for their division.

Learning to animate a character

The Training-Workshop was a collaboration between the Computer Science Department and the LRMD Unit of Isabela City.

One of the teams’ Training-Workshop final project, an interactive media that allow Grade 1 students to learn addition

Photos from AdZU Computer Science Department Facebook Page