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Languages Dep’t launches Ateneo Debate Forum ’09

As part of the long tradition of keeping excellence in parliamentary debate vibrant in the Ateneo community, the Languages Department will hold the Ateneo Debate Forum 2009, an annual event which encourages a breadth, as well as a depth, of working knowledge of major political, social and philosophical issues that beset the country and the world today.

Ateneo Debate Forum 2009 is an extemporaneous form of competitive, educational debate which stresses rigorous argumentation, logical analysis, quick thinking, and rhetorical ability. The format pits four two-person teams against each other. By focusing on argumentation and rhetoric rather than rapid recitation of evidence and technical rule-based strategies, parliamentary debate is taught as an activity which is easily learned, extremely adaptable, and widely accessible, yet still rigorous, intellectually demanding, and rewarding.

ADF09 kicks off with a debate orientation workshop for faculty members of the School of Liberal Arts on September 7 and 9 at 3:00 PM in NCB-201. Mr. Henry F. Segovia, a public speaking and debate instructor under the Languages Department, will orient faculty members on the rudiments of British Parliamentary Debate format.

“This gathering promises to be a good venue for exchange of ideas and opinion on critical issues. I hope our friends from the School of Liberal Arts can drop by and be part of this debate forum,” said Dr. Mary Sheildred D. Angeles, Chair of the Languages Department.