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LA Academic Organization

School of Arts and Sciences – LA Academic Organization

Constitution and By-Laws


We, the students of the School of Liberal Arts, in order to promote unity within diversity, work for the better interest of all, empower Atenean principles and support the development of students’ knowledge and skills do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution by which we establish a democratic student organization of, for and by the Liberal Arts students.

Article I

Name and Nature

Section I. The name of the student organization established under this constitution shall be known as Ateneo School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization, for purpose of brevity, it shall be known as SLA-AO.

Section II. The School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) is the official co-curricular student organization for the School of Liberal Arts (SLA) students of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University.

Section III. The seat of power shall be at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University.

Article II


All bona fide students majoring in any course under the School of Liberal Arts shall be members of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization.

Article III

Declaration of Principles and Policies

Section I. The School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) is the supreme student government of the School of Liberal Arts and shall be the sole, unified and democratic representative body of its members.

Section II. School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) is founded on the principles of student representation and service.

Section III.The general welfare of its members is the prime concern of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization.

Section IV.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall foster the academic, social, cultural, political and religious life of its members.

Section V.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall protect, defend and advance responsible academic freedom.

Section VI.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall abide by the rules and regulations of the school and law of the state.

Section VII.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall cooperate with the school administration, teachers, non-teaching personnel and other sectors of the school in promoting academic freedom, peace, equality and justice for studentry.

Section VIII.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall serve as an active avenue and means to address student ideas and sentiments to school authorities

Section IX.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall strive to promote unity within the different courses under the School of Liberal Arts.

Section X.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) adheres to the policy of objectivity and transparency to its members in carrying put its functions.

Section XI.School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) renounces any instrument of policy, activities and undertakings which are violent in nature or contrary to the rules and regulations of the school and law of the land.

Article IV


Recognizing the diverse needs of its members, School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) is divided into the following entries: the Academic Organization Officers, the Liberal Council and their subsidiaries.

Article V

Academic Organization Officers

Section I. Academic Organization Officers shall be the policy making body of the organization. They shall have the sole right and responsibility and responsibility to create policies affecting the organization and make sure that these policies are met.

Section II. Academic Organization Officers have the sole power to initiate programs and activities for the entire organization.

Section III. Initiatives coming from other entities are welcomed and must come under the scrutiny of the Academic Organization to be approved.

Section IV. Positions within the Academic Organization Officers shall be the following: Governor, Vice Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and any other position deemed needed by the officers with the approval of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) moderator and Liberal Arts Council.

Section V. All Academic Organization Officers shall be determined through an annual election to be held in the second (2nd) week of February or any other date deemed necessary by the outgoing officers with the approval of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) moderator and Liberal Arts Council.

Section VI. All positions in the Academic Organization Officers shall be open to all members from every year level.

Article VI

The Governor and Vice Governor

Section I. The chief power shall be vested on the governor of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO).

Section II. No person shall be elected as governor unless s/he:

  1. Has been enrolled in the regular semester of the previous school year
  2. Is currently enrolled in Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of criminal record or civil defence
  5. Is a Filipino Citizen
  6. Is not under academic probation
  7. Will be enrolled in the regular semesters during his term

Section III. There will be a vice governor who shall act as the president whenever the governor is incapable of performing his duties, and who shall fulfil the responsibilities assigned to him by the governor within the latter’s power.

Section IV. The qualification of the vice governor shall be the same as those of the governor.

Section V. Both the governor and vice governor shall be elected at large during the second (2nd) week of February or any date deemed necessary by the outgoing officers with the approval of the moderator and Liberal Arts Council every year and shall be sworn into office five days after or any other date designated by the organization moderator/s.

Section VI. The terms of the governor and vice governor will be from the day they swore into office until the day of the newly elected officers. For the positions of the governor and vice governor, no person shall hold into office more than two terms. If a person assumes office for more than six (6) months, to which some other person was elected, it shall be considered one (1) term.

Section VII. The governor shall have the following power and responsibilities:

  1. The governor shall be the chief executive and legislative officer of the organization
  2. Supervise and direct the administration of policies and regulations of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  3. Diplomatic Powers
  4. Implement and uphold the constitution of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  5. Per to create departments and special committees
  6. Head or appoint the various subsidiaries for the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  7. Remove members in the council but not the course presidents and in all designated subsidiaries, but cannot do so with the Academic Organization Officers, those mentioned that cannot be removed can only be done so by impeachment or resignation.
  8. Call official meetings of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) and shall act as, unless otherwise agreed upon, the presiding officer in all of these meetings
  9. Accept the resignation of any Academic Organization Officer, designated subsidiaries and course presidents in the Liberal Arts Council.
  10. Collaborate with the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) treasurer in preparing the budget for various events and activities of the organization
  11. Veto power
  12. Accept resignation of any of the overall officers and council members

Section VIII. In the vacancy in the office of governor, the vice governor shall assume the position and shall be sworn into office.

Section IX. In case of vacancy in the office of vice governor, the Secretary shall assume the office of the vice governor and shall be duly sworn into office.

Section X. In any case of vacancies in both the positions of the governor and vice governor, the secretary shall act as the governor until a new governor and vice governor will be elected through a special election.

Article VII

The Secretary

Section I. The secretary shall assume responsibly over all pertinent documents, equipments, and/or non cash possessions of the organization.

Section II. No person shall be elected as secretary unless s/he:

  1. Has been enrolled in the regular semester of the previous school year
  2. Is currently enrolled in Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of criminal record or civil offense
  5. Is a Filipino citizen
  6. Is not under academic probation will be enrolled in the regular semesters during his term

Section III. The secretary shall be elected at large during the second week of February or any other date deemed necessary by the outgoing officers with the approval of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) moderator and Liberal Arts Council every year and shall be sworn into office five days after or any other date designated by the organization moderator/s.

Section IV. The secretary have the following power and responsibilities:

  1. Record the minutes of the meeting called by the organization and council
  2. Give a summary of the minutes of the previous meeting during the next meeting called
  3. Write and process letters sent by the organization to various people/ offices.
  4. Responsible for documenting the activities of the organization
  5. Properly endorses all documents to the successor

Article VIII

The Treasurer

Section I. The treasurer shall assume responsibly of the organization’s cash fund, which includes the releasing and receiving of cash funds.

Section II. No person shall be elected as treasurer unless s/he:

  1. Has been enrolled in the regular semester of the previous school year
  2. Is currently enrolled in Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of criminal record or civil offense
  5. Is a Filipino citizen
  6. Is not under academic probation will be enrolled in the regular semesters during his term

Section III. The treasurer shall be elected at large during the second week of February or any other date deemed necessary by the outgoing officers with the approval of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) moderator and Liberal Arts Council every year and shall be sworn into office five days after or any other date designated by the organization moderator/s.

Section IV. The secretary have the following power and responsibilities:

  1. Prepares the budget for a given activity
  2. Oversees the collection of funds for the organization, such as organizational fees, acquaintance fees, frat fees, etc.
  3. Keeps a record book in which a record of the cash funds and received and released by the organization is found, affixed with signatures of those concerned in the process
  4. Collaborates with the governor regarding the needed amount to be released for various needs
  5. Collects student loans given by the organization to deserving students
  6. Keeps a record of those students who did not pay their organizational fees and student loans


  1. Submits a financial report to the governor one week after any organizational event or activity, along with official receipts, and a summary report at the end of the semester
  2. Monitors the utilization of organizational funds.

Article IX

The Auditor

Section I. The auditor shall keep record of all transactions involving the organization

Section II. No person shall be elected as treasurer unless s/he:

  1. Has been enrolled in the regular semester of the previous school year
  2. Is currently enrolled in Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of criminal record or civil offense
  5. Is a Filipino citizen
  6. Is not under academic probation will be enrolled in the regular semesters during his term

Section III. The auditor shall be elected at large during the second week of February any other date deemed necessary by the outgoing officers with the approval of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) moderator and Liberal Arts Council every year and shall be sworn into office five days after or any other date designated by the organization moderator/s.

Section IV. The auditor have the following power and responsibilities:

  1. Assist the treasurer in the collection of funds, fees, loans
  2. Keeps a separate record book that contains a list of transactions made by the organization
  3. Keeps the official receipts
  4. Assist the treasurer in preparing a financial statement after every activity held and a summary report at the end of the semester
  5. Monitors the utilization of organizational fees

Article X

Liberal Arts Council

Section I. The council shall be composed of the presidents of the different academic organizations and representatives per year level of each course

Section II. Each year level in every course receives presentation in the council aside from their respective presidents in proportion to their population

Section III. In an event that a year level in any course did not meet the required proportion, their population shall be combined with another year level of the same course and their representation is shared with that of the latter

Section IV. in any event that the required proportion is not met by an entire course in all their year level, their representation shall be those of their president and the proportion of the courses’ population is general

Section V. Year level in a course that has more than one section is entitled to representation in accordance to the proportion of the population

Section VI. The required proportion shall be determined by the Academic Organization Officers after the enrolment for the school year

Section VII. No person shall be a representative in the council unless s/he:

  1. Has been enrolled in the regular semester of the previous school year
  2. Is currently enrolled in Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of criminal record or civil offense
  5. Is a Filipino citizen
  6. Is not under academic probation will be enrolled in the regular semesters during his term

Section VIII. Representatives shall have following powers and responsibilities:

  1. Act as the public information officer to his constituents regarding the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) affair
  2. Provide adequate information dissemination to his constituents regarding the activities of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  3. Voice out the interests of his constituents regarding any affair with the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  4. Provides ideas in the Liberal Arts Council
  5. Helps in the recruitment of members in any subsidiary created by the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  6. Monitor the subsidiaries appointed to him by the governor
  7. Attend meetings of the Liberal Arts Council

Section IX. Representatives shall be chosen by their constituents in any manner that their year level/course would like to follow

Section X. Representatives shall take their oath of office together with that of the Academic Organization

Section XI. The Liberal Arts Council shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Act as the check and balance of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  2. Faithfully follow and administer of the law
  3. Addresses the concern of their constituents in any affair of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  4. Execute tasks given by the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)

Section XII. The Liberal Arts council shall have a chairman who shall act as the presiding officer in every meeting and shall be the point person regarding the Liberal Arts Council.

Section XIII. Any member in the Liberal Arts Council may be elected as chairman.

Section XIV. The Academic Organization secretary shall take down the minutes of the meeting within the council.

Article XI


Section I. School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) members who absent themselves from meetings must submit a letter, affixed with the signature of his department chair to the governor (3) days after or even before the meeting was held explaining the reason for his absence

Section II. Members who do not attend three consecutive meetings without prior notice or reason will be suspended from the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) and will be called to attention by the department chair and is a ground for removal through impeachment.

Article XII


Section I. School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall have, at most, two moderators who will help guide the organization and make sure that the officers follow and implement its policies and regulations.

Section II. The moderator/s of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) are chosen by the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts once every school year, (1) one week after the induction of the new set of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) officers.

Section III. Bo person may be made moderator unless s/he:

  1. Is a member of the faculty of the School of Liberal Arts
  2. Is currently serving at then Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  3. Has not been sanctioned for any serious offense by the school
  4. Has no record of any criminal or civic offense

Section IV. The moderators of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Guide and support the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) officers regarding matters that concern the welfare of the organization
  2. Give and disseminate information that concerns and is of interest to the faculty and staff of the School of Liberal Arts
  3. Affix their signature on important documents that require them
  4. Shall be decide on the approval of activities stated in the constitution that can be move by the officers
  5. Help in the preparations of activities through consultations and opinions
  6. Give feedbacks and call attention of officers whenever deemed necessary
  7. Propose initiatives to the officers
  8. Attend or supervise meetings/ activities of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  9. May ask help from fellow teachers or administration regarding activities whenever deemed necessary
  10. Monitor all subsidiaries and activities of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO)
  11. Act as diplomat to different department chairs regarding the plans of the organization and update the performance of the representatives of their department/ course.

Section V. The final decision regarding School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) matters rests on the overall officers since they are the elected student body of the organization that may best promote the concerns and interests of its members. However, moderators will still be updated of their decisions, suggestions or feedbacks that require their immediate attention and expert opinion will be solicited from them

Section VI. Updates regarding the activities of the School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) should be given to the moderators at least two weeks before the planned date. Activities for the entire school year should be forwarded to the moderators before the school year starts for deliberation and finalization.

Section VII. Moderators shall meet with the officers after each activity for evaluation.

Section VIII. Moderators shall be informed of any general assembly at least a week before it commences, and of any major meetings within the (School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO). They will only be asked to supervise meetings in which the governor requests them to but are entitled to a briefing of the discussion made.

Article XIII


Section I. There are two forms of removal:

  1. Impeachment
  2. Resignation

Section II. School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) officers may be removed from office through an impeachment for culpable violations of this constitution, being placed under academic organization, betrayal of the students’ trust, frequent absences on meetings, malversation of funds, destruction of theft of SLA property, gross negligence of duty, conviction in any civil or criminal court, committing any serious offense as defined in the student manual and any offense approved by the jury.

Section III. Only School of Liberal Arts Academic Organization (SLA-AO) officers can request for the impeachment of fellow officers. However, students may forward their complaints and evidences to an officer. An official complaint of impeachment must be submitted to the governor with the affixed signatures of the complainants. Within two days of its submission, the governor and vice governor, after having thoroughly read the complaint, must bring it to the dean of the SLA and the SLA-AO moderators. Thus, careful analysis of the complaint must be first made by the said entries together within one week or less.

If the dean, moderators, governor and vice governor finds the complaint valid one after three days, then a trial shall be held two days after the declaration of its validity with a jury composed of the moderators, governor and vice governor, the presidents of the different courses, excluding those that filed the complaint, and the dean as its head.

The hearing should be made before the student body under SLA together with SLA-AO officers. Evidence presented must contain documents and testimonies in order to be considered sufficient. A verdict must be decided within 12 school days or less after its first trial.

Section IV. The jury has the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.

Section V. Resignation letters should include the reason/s, signature of the resigning and should be addressed to the governor of the organization.

Section VI. The governor shall assess the grounds for resignation and shall decide on the matter. He may accept it or ask for the person to reconsider. Resignation letters should be evaluated with the moderators and other Academic Organization officers.

Section VII. Once the resignation is accepted, the person resigning may propose someone to replace him, but the officers shall ultimately decide. If the person resigning is from the council, the constituents shall decide for his replacement.

Article XIV


Section I. The student bodies of different departments under SLA by vote of ¾ of all its members may propose amendments to or our revision of this constitution.

Section II. The SLA students through an initiative way, upon a petition of at least twenty person (20%) of the entire SLA studentry:

  1. Propose amendments to this constitution
  2. Submit a list of twelve students to compromise a constitutional convention to propose this constitution

Section III. No amendments to or revision of this constitution shall be made two years after its ratification

Article XV


Section I. An amount of not more than 800 pesos shall be collected from the members of the SLA-AO or otherwise decided by the SLA-AO with the approval of the moderators, council and dean. Such fee shall cover the organizational fee, acquaintance party and frat shirt.

Article XVI

General Provisions

Section I. All official announcements shall be posted on the SLA bulletin board or any other ways of information dissemination the day or one (1) day after its official declaration

Section II. No withdrawal of funds shall be made unless the governor and treasurer have affixed their signature on the budget proposal