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Kreutz Campus Traffic Rerouting

01 August 2013




I wish to inform the community that we shall be starting the ground preparations for the construction of the grade school complex in the Kreutz Campus, Tumaga.

Effective August 5, 2013 (Monday), the following traffic scheme shall be implemented within  the High School Campus:

1.     DRIVE-THROUGH VEHICLES AND GUESTS: The campus road fronting the High School Building (parallel to the Tumaga-Lunzuran Road) shall be open for all drive-through vehicles and guests. The Entrance Gate shall be strictly for all in-coming vehicles and the Exit Gate shall be for out-going vehicles. All other segments of the campus road shall not be accessible for drive-through vehicles and guests. Drop-off and pick-up of students shall be along the covered walk near the guard house.

2.     FACULTY/STAFF VEHICLES: The campus road dedicated for faculty/staff parking shall still be open for such purpose. The segment of the campus road behind the High School building shall be CLOSED to give way for construction activities. Faculty/staff vehicles shall utilize the same entrance and exit scheme as the drive-through vehicles.

3.     CANTEEN DELIVERIES: All canteen delivery vehicles shall follow the same traffic route as the faculty/staff vehicles but shall observe their usual delivery schedule and parking restrictions.

4.     CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES: All construction vehicles shall utilize the EXIT GATE ONLY for their entrance and exit during a specified schedule which shall be agreed upon between the AdZU administration and the contractor. NO CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES shall be allowed through the Entrance Gate.


For your information and guidance.



Wilfredo M Samson SJ
University OIC



Memo: 13-14:16