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JBEC responds to Call for Apostolic Revitalization

The Jesuit Basic Education Committee (JBEC) wrapped up its annual meeting with this year’s theme, Unleashing Apostolic Revitalization and Creativity, centering on the new Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Society of Jesus. Participants from basic education units of ten (10) Jesuit institutions in the Philippines return to their respective schools with renewed vigor and a fresh perspective on the UAPs.

More than a hundred participants, consisting of Presidents, Vice Presidents, Principals, Assistant Principals and Department Chairpersons of the JBEC member-schools gathered at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University’s newly-restored Lantaka Campus last August 18-21, 2019, to collaborate with one another on revitalizing their mission in basic education following the UAP.

The meeting opened with a Mass at the Kreutz campus in Tumaga and a welcome dinner at the Lantaka campus. Fr Karel S San Juan SJ, AdZU President, led the reflection session on Day 2 on the roles of administrators in “showing the way to God through the spiritual exercises” and discernment for faculty, staff and students, thus, empowering the lay partners to take active roles as Ignatian leaders in the administration of Jesuit institutions. Earlier, a workshop on the mental health concerns of the Filipino youth, a trending topic in the changing basic education landscape, was facilitated by Dr Francis Xavier M Dimalanta, a Behavioral and Development Pediatrician.

The second day was highlighted with a pilgrimage to the Fort Pilar shrine, where the participants attended the Mass officiated by Fr Roseller Atilano, SJ, Zamboangueño Jesuit, who serves as director of the Campus Ministry of the Ateneo de Manila University.

The third day and last day featured Fr Rene B Javellana, SJ, Jesuit Philippine Province Archivist, who presented the four UAPs, and facilitated the small group discussions that followed; and Fr Aristotle C Dy SJ, JBEC Chair, who presided over the JBEC business meeting. The meeting was capped with a Mass at the University Church of the Sacred Heart in AdZU Salvador campus in La Purisima.

JBEC was founded in 1989. It forms the support system of member-schools in their advocacy to deepen Ignatian spirituality and character, and improve academic and formation programs in their respective institutions.

JBEC member-schools include Ateneo de Cebu–Sacred Heart School, Ateneo de Davao University, Ateneo de IloIlo–Santa Maria Catholic Church, Loyola College of Culion, Ateneo de Manila University, Ateneo de Naga University, Xavier School–San Juan, Xavier School–Nuvali, Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, and Ateneo de Zamboanga University.