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Instructional Media Center

Instructional Media Center




The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School Instructional Media Center (IMC) consists of the library or print resources, the audiovisual/non-print or multi-sensory resources and the Internet Access Area. Both the Library and the Audiovisual Office offer print and non-print materials that are especially prepared, selected, organized, evaluated and administered for the purpose of classroom instruction. Furthermore, the Internet access area is especially provided for the purpose of accessing significant information for research projects and homework.


“The school media center is central to the instructional program of a school. Its main purpose is to provide service to the faculty, students, and administration in accessing information, developing research strategies and in the utilization of media. The media center program strengthens and improves the instruction in the school by developing in students lifelong learning skills and a love for reading.” (Betty J. Morris, 1992 Administering the School Library Media Center.)


Grade School Library


The library is the learning resource center of the Grade School. It is located at the ground floor of Saint John Francis Regis hall. The library is one of the most important student/faculty services in the Grade School. It is significantly involved in both curricular and co-curricular activities of the school, through its continuous provision of resources. It also assists in the learning needs of both students and faculty through books and Audio Visual materials. Aside from the traditional card catalogue, CDROM’s and Internet access are provided for faster and easier retrieval of information and to link researchers to global information.


Audiovisual office


The Audio Visual Office is one of the units of the Instructional Media Center. It houses and circulates audiovisual materials and equipment for instructional purposes.




1. To provide a wide and updated collection of print and non-print instructional materials in all subject areas that are appropriate to the needs of the faculty and suited to the interests and learning abilities of the pupils.

2. To prepare, select, organize and administer the materials that will make them easily available and accessible to faculty, pupils, and administrators.

3. To assist the faculty in the selection and effective use of various instructional materials to make the teaching-leaning process more interesting and meaningful.

4. To train faculty and students in the use and proper care of print and non-print materials and equipment.

5. To provide technical and special assistance to faculty and pupils on the use of various materials and technology.

6. To encourage the faculty and pupils to develop a love for learning by spending more time reading books, periodicals and other printed materials and by maximizing the use of audiovisual materials in instruction.





Library – 7:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon (Saturday)


Audiovisual – 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

8:30 a.m.- 12 noon (Saturday)