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Home » QASMO About » Institutional Quality Assurance Team (IQAT)

Institutional Quality Assurance Team (IQAT)

The INSTITUTIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAM (IQAT) is created to promote and support continuous quality improvement in the systems and processes across units and offices through both internal and external quality assurance mechanisms. The team shall work at upholding the AdZU Quality Culture by strengthening its internal quality assurance mechanisms and validating these through accreditation, certification, and other external assessments.

A. Internal Quality Assurance

  1. Propose policies, procedures, activities, and plans for the continuous quality improvement of programs, processes, and practices in the university;
  2. Review regularly the QA manual of operations that documents the QA structure, policies, and procedures of the university;
  3. Set indicators and targets to measure the performance of the IQA system of the university;
  4. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the internal quality assurance plan;
  5. Provide orientation on the systematic preparation and management of QA-related documentation;
  6. Collaborate with the different offices in each unit to:
    a. develop, review, and update evaluation instruments;
    b. conduct an internal evaluation of programs and processes;
    c. implement quality improvement based on evaluation results;
  7. Prepare accomplishment reports for strategic internal quality assurance initiatives in each unit;

B. External Quality Assurance

  1. Work with the different committees created in each unit to:
    a. monitor and ascertain the status of implementation of the recommendations of accreditation or certification bodies;
    b. prepare the self-survey report and pieces of evidence for exhibit during accreditation or certification visits;
    c. organize and manage the activities during actual accreditation or certification visits;
  2. Conduct orientation sessions among faculty, staff, and students on the
    standards and processes of accreditation or certification;
  3. Organize mock accreditation visits in the home unit and participate as evaluators in mock visits of other units;
  4. Coordinate with accreditation body or certification agency and submit self-survey reports and supporting documents;

Membership and Structure
The members of the Quality Assurance Coordinators Committee shall be point persons for quality assurance activities from the different units designated by the respective unit heads:

  • Basic Education Unit: Grade School, Junior High School, Senior High School
  • Higher Education Unit: Tertiary Unit, School of Medicine, College of Law
  • Central Services: Ateneo Center for Environmental Sustainability, Internal
    Auditor’s Office

The Director of the Quality Assurance and Strategic Management Office (QASMO) shall serve as convener and chair of the Institutional Quality Assurance Team (IQAT) which shall meet quarterly to discuss matters relating to quality assurance.