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In Case of Typhoons


(Code GREEN)

1.         If you are in your residence, secure your home

2.         If you are inside the campus, seek shelter inside the buildings, stay put and wait for instructions from university officials.

3.         In case of extreme weather condition, monitor the following;

a.         Status of classes or work

b.         Radio and TV reports

c.         Weather bulletins and updates

4.         Stack up on emergency food and water, keep a flashlight handy

5.         Maintain “Go to bags” and “safety kits”

6.         Avoid low lying areas, riverbanks coastal areas, slopes for possible flashfloods or landslides.

7.         Stack furniture above flood waters

8.         Keep a record of emergency numbers (Police, Barangay, hospital, etc.)

9.         Avoid wading in flood waters, do not cross flowing streams.

10.      If your residence is in a flood prone area, verify from barangay officials or to radio reports if there is a need to evacuate

11.      Do not operate any electrical equipment during floods

12.      Keep telephone and CP lines open for faster communication.