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Health and Development

The object health and health-related problems have been one of the major concerns of a number of sectors in Western Mindanao. Programs had been designed and implemented with the hope of achieving the vision of an optimum wellness of the entire citizenry through promotion of health, prevention of diseases and rehabilitation of the sick and the dying. Whether or not the health care delivery system has been effective or not is one question. What are the areas of concern in public health or in each of the levels of health care delivery that may be looked into? in the context of the region’s health scenario, what have been the practices of the people in Western Mindanao that contribute to the attainment of health? What have been the practices that have caused otherwise? In the practice of the utilization of herbal medicine, are there other indigenous resources that may be developed to contribute in the health breakthroughs? How responsive are the medical and the allied medical education in the call of answering the community’s health needs?