Professional conduct is expected of all AdZU employees. They are expected to maintain relationships responsibly and professionally among themselves and with the University’s clients and stakeholders.

They are expected to conduct themselves with decorum and in a manner that reflects Ignatian values.  When dealing with students, their parents or guardians, the alumni, beneficiaries, benefactors, and all other members of the University and external communities, they are expected to observe honesty, civility and fairness and to ensure that such dealings will not be marred by any bias based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability.


Personal relationships should not interfere with, be seen to interfere with, or influence practices in the workplace. The University expects all members to avoid and minimize the likelihood of conflicts arising due to personal relationships or close associations.

  1. Relationship with Students and/or Parents 
    1. An ADZU employee shall always maintain professional relationship with students both in and out of classroom. 
    2. An ADZU employee shall establish cordial, harmonious, impartial, and ethical relations with students and parents.
    3. Faculty and staff shall treat every student fairly with understanding and loving care, with their welfare, learning potentials and best interests in mind.
    4. Parents are the partners of the school in education and formation of students.  Every parent is to be treated with respect and tact by teachers and staff.
    5. No member of the university community shall directly or indirectly solicit favors or gifts from students and/or parents for personal or family-related reasons.  Any solicitation for school-related reasons must be duly approved by the unit head or the University President.
    6. No member of the university community shall engage in any financial or commercial venture with parents or students like business investments, lending money with or without interest or incur loan(s) or financial obligation(s) or sell goods whether on cash or on terms.
    7. No member of the university community shall engage students or parents in exchange for grades, to do a favor or to sponsor any form of activity or to give donations of any form.
    8. Prudence must be observed in accepting gifts from parents or students.  Grades received by the students must be based on merit and should not in any way be influenced by gifts or favors received or expected by teachers.
    9. Unethical behavior/conduct includes but not limited to:
      1. committing any act of child abuse, including physical or verbal abuse, cruelty to children or act of child endangerment (refer to RA 7610; DepEd Order #40 s.2012);
      2. committing any sexual act with a student or soliciting such from a student (refer to RA 7610, RA 7877) ;
      3. engaging in or permitting harassment of or misconduct toward a student that would violate any Philippine law
      4. soliciting, encouraging, or consummating an inappropriate written, verbal, electronic, or physical relationship with a student;
      5. furnishing tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student; or
      6. failing to prevent the use of alcohol and illegal drugs  by students under the care and supervision of the faculty or staff (including but not limited to the school/university premises or other private setting).
  2. Conduct With Co-Employees, Superior And Other Members Of The Community
    1. Appropriate Language.  All employees are expected to be pleasant and courteous in their manner of speech or any other forms of communication. They are expected to refrain from using foul language and other unbecoming remarks in public speeches or private conversations with others that would diminish the respect due their position or offend the sensibilities of others.
    2. Support for university policies.  Every employee shall make it his/her duty to read, understand and support the legitimate policies of the university and administration regardless of personal feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully carry them out.
    3. False accusations.  Employees shall not make false accusations or charges against co-employees or superiors, especially under anonymity.  However, if there are valid charges s/he shall present charge under oath to competent authority.
    4. Redress.  Every employee has the right to seek redress against injustice to the administration and shall raise grievances according to university policy and procedures.
    5. Obligation to terms of Contract.  An employee who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to his/her contract, assuming full knowledge of employment terms and conditions.
    6. Adherence to University Policies and Philippine Laws.  Employees are expected to be familiar with the university policies and to adhere to these to the best of their abilities.  Employees are also expected to know and abide by the relevant laws of the country such as but not limited to:  RA 7877 or The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act; RA 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act; RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act; RA 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act.


As a general rule, the faculty, staff and officials are expected to refrain from engaging in any act that will make the University or its representative beholden to the donor or giver. The University has a Code of Ethics (See Appendix K: Code Of Ethics In Engaging With Book Companies, Suppliers, Service Providers, Contractors, Parents, Students, Alumni And Benefactors) which establishes the parameters in engaging with such entities.


To keep a conducive work environment that is free from distractions and unnecessary aggravation, all employees are expected to have good personal habits and to practice good grooming at all times.

1.   Proper Attire

All are required to wear appropriate and reasonably neat clothes to work in conformity with the accompanying guidelines:

  1. Female faculty, academic and service staff are required to come in simple but appropriate attire for work such as skirt or slacks with decent blouse or a full dress and shoes.
  2. The following are deemed inappropriate: plunging necklines, halter tops, see-through or transparent blouses, clothing with spaghetti straps without vest or bolero, hanging blouses, tubes and strapless blouses, mini-skirts, shorts and slippers.
    Denims or maong pants, t-shirts and rubber shoes may be used only on Saturdays.
  3. Male faculty, academic and service staff are required to come in polo shirts, pants and shoes with socks. 
    The following are deemed inappropriate: sandos, shirts with obscene or vulgar designs, sleeveless shirts, short pants and rubber sandals or slippers.
  4. Friday is declared a Free Day for the faculty of the college, however, the sense of appropriateness and decency must be observed.
  5. Non-teaching staff are expected to wear their designated uniforms.


            Social media, which is generally understood to mean the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, has become a ubiquitous communication tool and avenue for many people.  The University, thus, expects its members to observe propriety and professionalism when using social media. Behavior, post and/or action that reflect badly on their stature as professionals or run counter to the University’s espoused values and ideals will be dealt with administratively.


Proper housekeeping is necessary to help maintain a pleasant, efficient and safe working environment. It is, therefore, the responsibility of every employee to observe the following:

  1. Keep work stations reasonably neat.
  2. Report to the Physical Plant Office any needed repairs on furniture or fixtures and any hazardous condition in the work places.
  3. Report to the Center for Information Technology and Services Office malfunctioning University IT equipment and facilities.
  4. Segregate or dispose trash properly.
  5. Observe courtesy and good etiquette when using common facilities by keeping them clean and orderly after every use.
  6. At the end of each workday:
    1. Lock important drawers and cabinets;
    2. Turn-off and unplug electrical/electronic equipment;
    3. Turn off lights and air conditioning units;
    4. Lock door upon leaving.


The workplace environment should contribute to efficiency of the staff. Anything that impacts on productivity is strongly discouraged. Thus, employees are expected to refrain from making or generating noise or any form of loud sounds that disturb others, or from holding parties or social activities during office hours.


All employees cited for violation/s of this Code are entitled to due process and no person shall be punished, suspended, terminated or otherwise subjected to disciplinary action without first being informed in writing of the acts and/or violations committed and given ample opportunity to be heard and to explain his/her side.