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Guidelines on Summer Classes for College & Graduate School

JUST IN | Guidelines on Summer Classes for College and Graduate School


1. Summer classes will be held June 8 – July 18, 2020. Enrollment is from June 1 – 6.

2. Classes will be held ONLINE: once a week synchronous meetings, and the rest asynchronous or home-based learning methodologies.
SYNCHRONOUS: Teacher and students engage in interactive discussions using online platforms (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet, and FB Messenger).
ASYNCHRONOUS: Students engage in independent learning such as reading the assigned texts or watching the videos.

3. Reading materials and videos may be accessed from the AdZU E-Class Learning Management System which will also be used as repository for updated outcomes-based syllabi, learning packets, online worksheets, assignments, and assessments.

4. Flexibility, effectiveness, and equity will be applied in the online conduct of classes: connectivity and access for both teacher and student; flexible arrangements; continuing consultation; and implementation of safety and health protocols.

5. Students will be asked to accomplish a COURSE LEARNING CONTRACT to be submitted at the end of the first week of class.