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Guidelines on Election-Related Activities

Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Guidelines on Election-Related Activities


Considering its direction towards engaged citizenship, Ateneo de Zamboanga University participates actively before, during and after election periods based on the principle of Non – partisanship. The University does not support any particular political candidate nor a party but engages itself towards advocating good leadership and good governance. Thus, its dealings with political candidates, political parties, and other related organizations and agencies shall be based on this AdZU Guidelines on Election-Related Activities.

Simply put, the institution fosters the character of active Citizenship being a leader-partner in the work of institutions that promote the common good. At the same time, upholds integrity, fairness and equality among all political candidates, parties, and other related organizations and agencies concerned during the entire election process towards a clean and honest election that would place in power leaders who are accountable, competent and honest, and who are committed to true public service for Mindanao and the entire country.

Election Period shall mean “from the day of the filing of candidacy to the proclamation of winners by the COMELEC”.


The University respects the decision of the public in the electoral process, thus, it shall not in any way influence the decision making of the student body, the faculty and staff, and the entire AdZU community. As individuals, any member of the AdZU community may be involved in partisan politics on a personal capacity but s/he cannot use university resources nor can s/he carry the name of AdZU in her/his personal engagements.

During the Election Period, AdZU shall impose a moratorium among all University entities on the seeking of any form of donations, solicitations, or sponsorships from any political party or candidate.

Distribution of campaign materials within the AdZU premises is strictly prohibited. In a similar manner, distribution of campaign materials utilizing the AdZU website or any of its directories such as the donors’/benefactors’ list, alumni directories, students’ list, faculty and staff directory, etc., is strictly prohibited.

At any time during the Election Period, AdZU shall NOT accommodate any form of activity involving any political party or candidate either as sponsor, donor, speaker, lecturer, convenor, etc., except on occasions when AdZU, through the Ateneo Center for Leadership and Governance (ACLG) or through the Office of the President, is engaged in an activity involving most of the political candidates/parties for a specific purpose.

No political party or candidate shall be allowed to undertake any form of campaign sorties inside any of the AdZU Facilities – no entry into any of the AdZU campuses for any political party or candidate who are bringing with them a group in their political get-ups, with campaign materials or with a vehicle used for campaign (decorated with campaign materials).


The Social Development Council (SDC) through its Ateneo Center for Leadership and Governance (ACLG) shall be the designated entity to coordinate all election-related activities of the University. The Office of the President reserves the right to approve or disapprove activities that may be in conflict with or may affect the general directions or operations of the University.


i. The University shall actively participate in the electoral process through the conduct of:

1. Citizenship Education to come up with a good/better agenda/platform for the electoral candidates;

2. Voter’s education, political fora, citizen’s engagement and empowerment (such as youth involvement in political affairs) in partnership with civic action groups and other related organizations;

3.Monitoring of the electoral process in partnership with civic groups and other institutions working for clean, honest and peaceful elections.

    ii. The University may offer and/or may accommodate invitations to events and fora equally relevant to all political candidates and parties but no one candidate or party shall be singled out and given special attention or preference. Should there be an activity where political candidates or parties are participants, University representatives shall not in any way appear to favor one candidate or party over another.

    iii. AdZU shall not engage with any group, agency or institution whose objectives and/or activities contravene with that of the University.

    iv. Other than those initiated by the Ateneo Research Center, any Election-related Surveys or Research Activities requested or sponsored by a non-AdZU group, a political party or a candidate may not be accepted by any member or entity of the University as “Official AdZU undertaking”.


    i. To ensure clean, honest and peaceful election, AdZU shall continuously strive to monitor the election process and shall partner with organizations, institutions, and other related groups and agencies with similar objectives.

    ii. The University shall take part in the information dissemination campaign by providing or generating media support (through different forms of media) during election process to promote integrity and transparency such as but not limited to:

    a. Taking photographs and/or videos of election proceedings on any form of election irregularities or anomalies; and
    b. Forming and contributing to intelligent discussions through the different legitimate media (broadcast media, print media, and social media, among others).


      i. The University shall operate with transparency in its dealings with all candidates and parties respecting confidentiality as necessary and as appropriate.

      ii. Beyond elections, the University shall continuously coordinate and maintain its partnerships with institutions and other related organizations and agencies (academe, government, NGO, media, among others) in our efforts at educating the electorate and together promote and be  a watchdog for good governance by engaging in governance-related matters.


      Approved by:

      Fr Antonio F Moreno SJ
      12 March 2013