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Guideline in deploying IT projects

I Introduction

The CITS develops IT systems and tools, adapts IT innovations, and introduces new IT procedures. These IT projects are done to modernize existing processes and improve productivity of the different offices and units of the University. Thus, it is important that a guideline be followed to ensure a successful implementation. Further, this guideline is especially drafted for CITS IT innovators, developers, and implementers.



II Documenting the IT project

It is a must to prepare a documentation of the IT project prior to the deployment. A technical manual and a user manual or a simple FAQs document has to be made. Those who are involved in the development, adaption, and/or introduction of the IT resource or service should take the lead in making sure that the appropriate documents are drafted. These documents are crucial for the deployment and the maintenance the IT resource or service.


In addition, the manuals should also be made available in ADZU wiki site.


III Involving the CITS staff

To have a better understanding on how an IT resource or service works, one has to use it and have a first-hand experience. Thus, before an IT project is deployed, the CITS staff should not only the first to be oriented but the first to be trained on its use.
The underlying reason in involving the CITS staff is to enlist them in handling technical support later on. They will be expected to help albeit in limited way, in figuring out whatever problem/glitch/bug that might still crop up when the system is finally deployed.
The technicians, the support staff, and whoever the director of the CITS deemed (to be the right person/s) are required to undergo training and/or orientation about the IT project.


IV Testing the IT project

The initial testing of the IT project will be done by those who are directly involved.


An additional (of at least) three (3) days testing period, depending on the complexity of the IT project, will commence right after the training/orientation of selected CITS staff (section III).  The functionality, aesthetics, and “user-friendliness” are just some of the things that will be looked into when the IT resource or service is being tested.


Adjustments and changes will be made if necessary.



V Releasing the memo

If necessary, a memo to the community will be released together with the user manual or FAQs for guideline before the implementation or deployment of the IT resource or service. This is to ensure that the community will be aware of the new IT resource or service. This will also help affected units plan possible actions if there is a disruption to their operations.



VI Orientating and training the intended users

The intended user of the It project will undergo an orientation or training similar to what the CITS staff (in section III) undergone, but it will be more focused on the utilization of the IT resource or service. If there will still be suggested changes and adjustment, they will be taken into consideration.



VII Providing the technical support

Normally, the initiators of the IT project are responsible for the technical support. However, anybody from the CITS should be able perform the initial trouble shooting task.



VIII Reviewing this Guideline

This guideline shall be subjected to a review every year to ensure that the demands of the changing times are addressed.





Created: CITS/esk/November,2011

Revised: CITS/esk/October, 2013