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Guide to Services


The Physical Plant Office  is a service organization responsible for the planning, repair and renovations ,  preparations of cost estimates , construction,  and maintenance of all University buildings and facilities and Transportation.  It consist of the Maintenance Unit and the Auxilliary Service Unit.
a. Major Services provided by the Physical Plant Office  includes the following;
1. General maintenance   in all   buildings, including the services of carpenters, electricians, telephone and electronic technicians,  plumbers, painters and ACU technicians and operation of standby Generators to ensure a safe and adequate educational environment for academic and administrative functions.
2. Maintenance of classrooms and campus spaces  
3. Maintenance of walks, grounds, and   athletic and sports facilities.
4. Operation and maintenance of utilities such as water, electricity and telephone
5. Energy conservation, including installation of equipment to conserve energy.
6. Management of building construction and repair and renovation projects.
7.  Reserve, Manage and Regulate use of assigned facilities and workrooms for any institutional and external activities

b. Auxilliary Services
a. Transportations
– Reservation for  vehicles for institutional intended purposes
– The Auxilliary Unit requires filling up reservations forms for the use of vehicles   at least 3 days before the intended use.
– Gate passes for Faculty, Staff, Students and parents who wishes to enter the campus

b. Messengerial needs
c. School Facilities
– Reservations are needed before any use of School Facilities and duly approved by the Physical Plant Director . Reservations shall be made at the Auxilliary   unit( OAU ). The OAU requires filling up reservations forms for the use   facilities at least 3 days before the intended use The University Facilities can be used by all   faculty and Staff and students. These can also be rented by any private entity outside of the university.

These facilities are listed below.
a. Multi-Purpose Covered Court
b. Brebeauf Gym
c. Jesuit Residence Room 1 and 2
d. LRC Garden
e. Back Field
f. Sleeping Quarters 
g.Catwalks and covered walk pedestrians  for exposition and exhibit purposes.
h. Campion Lecture Hall
d.For the current school year’s gate passes, faculty and staff are entitled for 1 free sticker provided that the vehicle is registered to his/her name or to his/her spouse.If faculty/staff wishes to avail additional sticker pass, he/she should pay the necessary fee and parking of vehicle inside the campus is one at a time.
e. Institutional activities are always given priority over scheduled and regular sports practices at the MPCC, Brebeuf Gym and at the Backfield. Instructors and coaches through proper coordination should give way to any type of institutional activities.
f. Academic Organization and University Activities should reserve facilities at least 3 days before the intended use to avail the PRIORITY STATUS.


The Physical Plant Department consist a force of professional, skilled, and semi-skilled employees.  They include Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, architectural draftsman,   electricians, carpenters, painters, plumbers, ACU technicians, Telephone and Electronic Technician, mechanics, secretary, and student assistant.  They can respond to urgent and specialized needs and provide continuity of basic maintenance and repair programs.

Job order request forms are available on-line by accessing the University’s Web page under the Physical Plant Office , JOB ORDER FORM. Except for emergency work, Job  orders are required for all corrective, routine, major and minor repair work and set-ups for special events. The requester must fully describe the services desired and should identify any constraints such as time periods or special conditions on the service requested. They should also state the charges of the job. Job orders are to be submitted   at least two weeks prior to the work request date. Event job orders should be submitted at least 3 working days before an event.  Job orders are received by the PPO clerk/secretary and approved by Physical Plant Director/ Assistant Director. Work is assigned to the appropriate trades person.. If materials are required, the order is placed after approval and may affect the target date for completion. Work is generally performed by the target date or the time the requested material has been delivered to the PPO  and  is also responsible for conveying information to the requester regarding scheduling delays.

At times the Physical plant receives requests for services rendered to departments/ units  and University activities for which the Physical Plant does not receive a budget allocation.  The requesting department must provide a budget source for funding. Physical Plant charges (labor and materials) to the Department,  includes only  actual cost charges and base on the approved estimates only . No profit or overhead cost will be billed to the department.

Labor, materials, and/or equipment cannot be used for private or personal benefit either on or off campus. Materials and equipment cannot be loaned to University   employees, students, or outside contractors.

Physical Plant maintains all air-conditioning systems ( window type only  )on campus except those    split type ACU. These are being contracted outside of the university.

The Physical Plant Office  allocates funds to make corrective repairs to facilities through current school year’s approved budget.

Keys are issued by the Physical Plant to authorized people  of the Department or unit
The Physical Plant is the only department allowed to cut and issue keys for University buildings. Service requests for lock changes and key changes or additional key requests should be directed to the Physical Plant Office.  Lost keys and Damage locks/ Door knobs shall be charge to the Department concern.

The Physical Plant maintains a CAD file for all building plans including map of the campuses

When requesting event set-ups and reservations for areas on campus it is necessary to obtain  A Reservation form duly approved by the Physical Plant Director.

Installation of telephones with new numbers shall be duly approved by the University President .



a. Carpenter
Carpenters and painters are grouped together into a shop unit to perform all aspects of carpentry work, painting, glass installation, and tile and masonry work on campus.

b. Electrical Shop
The Electrical Shop provides service and repair of electrical and lighting systems on campus. The electricians also install new fixtures, provide new wiring for equipment, and maintain all control systems.

c. Building and Grounds Maintenance
This unit is responsible for the care and maintenance of campus grounds and janitorial works  including  ,  mowing , and watering lawns, maintaining established shrubbery and trees on the campus,  and  maintenance of athletic facilities.

d.  Plumbing Shop
The   Plumbing   services and maintains all plumbing fixtures.

e. Telephone and Electronics TEchnician
The   Elctronic technician is responsible in  the rerpair and installationos of Telephone lines in the Campus.    

e. ACU Technician
The   ACU technician is responsible in the cleaning and repair of   window type ACU  as per approved schedule by the this office.