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Guidance Counselor Board Passers 2015

Eight graduates of the ADZU Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling program passed the 2015 National Guidance Counselor Licensure Examination.

The school’s 80% (eight out of ten test-takers) passing rate is higher than the national passing rate of 60.14%.

The successful examinees are Mary Sanedna A Ambi, Fr Angel A Angeles, CMF, Chona Z Calnison, Ma Visitacion S Emmanuel, Sr Emely U Fernandez,  ADC , Enber B Pacheco, Daren Martes M Tan and Sheila L Tiong.

The licensure exam is given by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Licensure exams for guidance counselors started after the passing of Republic Act No. 9258 or the “Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004″, an act professionalizing the practice of guidance and counseling in the country.

Only graduates of MA, MAEd, MAT, or MS, in guidance and counseling are qualified to take the exam.

The school commends the efforts of the School of Liberal Arts  led by the dean, Dr Robert V Panaguiton, and the faculty, staff and coordinators of the Master of Arts in Guidance Counselling Program, especially, Mr Jayson V Sabdilon, Ms Christine I  Pambid, and Dr Mary Shieldred D Angeles.