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Guidance and Counseling Services

Guidance and Counseling Services


Orientation Service

Acquaints the students and their parents on the

guidance and counselling office’s prime objectives in the students’ holistic development


Individual Inventory Service

Keeps an orderly and systematic database of the

students’ personal information


Individual/Group Counselling Services

Addresses students’ concerns and issues in dealing with school and home environment and the

community in general,leading to the students’ effective resolution of such issues.


Homeroom/Group Guidance Services

Serves as a venue to generate new ideas from the students’  viewpoints on certain traits and values

in order to become responsible and competent individuals


Testing Services

Administers qualifying examinations to incoming students as well as various aptitude and personality

tests that serves as databases in the assessment of students’ cognitive and psychological maturity.


Career Planning and Development

Equips grade six students in preparing for the next level of their academic life as a junior high school

student that eventually leads to future undertakings.


Faculty, Staff and Parents Development

Formulation and implementation of various developmental programs in addressing the concerns of the

faculty, staff and parents.



Pursues further studies to address complexities of learning styles and other concerns that may

affect the students, teachers and parents



Conducts home visitation and other follow-up activities to monitor levels of development of the clients.