On behalf of the Graduate Students Academic Organization (GSAO) Officers AY 2018-2019, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all the Graduate Schools students for the trust and confidence throughout our term, it was indeed an honor and a privilege for all of us. To the new set of GSAO officers, God bless and we are confident that you will be able to work for the greater glory of the organization.

Graduate School List of Elected Officers (S.Y. 2019-2020)
President: Noe T. Lacastesantos
Vice President: Mark Anthony A Mejares
Secretary: Jeniffer Violet A Cabiles
Treasurer: Herne B. Esguerra
Auditor: Charfel C Judaya
PIO: Reyna Mae C. Lomocso
School of Education: Diane Candido Perla Ledesma (Moderator)
School of Liberal Arts: Lhuvna Ahalul & Joylito L. Lahoylahoy
College of Science and Information Technology: Ma Edwina Urbano & Garrix Romanggar
School of Management and Acoountancy: Anthony Vince H Piano & Rebecca Llanos
College of Nursing: Mariam A. Somandar