Laughter and gaiety were the over-all mood of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School (ADZU GS)Family Day celebration last January 31, 2016 at the football field of the William H Kreutz SJ Basic Education Campus in Tumaga. This year’s Family Day theme was “One Celebration, One Family, One Ateneo.”
The festivities, which lasted until the evening,“was an opportune time for families to relax and socialize as the students, parents and teachers participated and enjoyed the bustling music, electrifying dances and exciting parlor games,” ADZU Grade School Principal Liza Garrido stated. “Jovial conversations among families and friends filled the place while they partake the sumptuous food served during the dinner,” she added.

The Family Day celebration, an annual fun-filled activity of the Grade School organized by the Parents-Teachers Association (PTA), aims to foster camaraderie and unity among families of Grade School students.

The activity started with a Eucharistic Celebration with Fr. Karel S San Juan SJ, ADZU President, as the main celebrant, together with other Jesuit Fathers, at the Fr Aureo G Nepomuceno SJ Covered Courts. The Muslim families, on the other hand, celebrated their Duwa’a at the St John Francis Regis Hall.

ADZU-GS PTA president Atty. Lycel C Tan, welcomed the community to the celebration, while Fr San Juan, in his message, thanked everyone for coming to join the festivities. Fr Arnel T Ong SJ, ADZU Basic Education chaplain, led the blessing of the families and the food, while the West and Hadjirul families recited the Symbolic Prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Event host Ateneo Center for Culture and Arts Director Marco Alfino V Miranda, entertained and thrilled the crowd during the fellowship and announcement of the winners of the raffle draw.
The Grade 6-St. Stanislaus Kostka class was declared winner, having the most number of attendees; while the Grade 3 was awarded as having the cleanest area and being the best in decoration.