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Giving for Professiorial Chairs

Professorial Chair Program

The Ateneo values its faculty members; they are the core of our educational process. But due to low tuition fees (Ps 40,000 a year or $ 800); our salaries also are somewhat low. We see the Professorial Chair Program as a way to reward teachers with that little extra that shows an appreciation for their efforts.

On a simple level, donations may be given yearly. Endowed chairs are larger donations which are invested and only the interest is used for the monthly honoraria. Endowments may be programmed over a two or three year period.

The donors may designate the name or title of these chairs, giving the names or titles in honor of parents or families or whatever may be desired. For example, the Luis and Clara Santos Endowed Professorial Chair or the Carlos Reyes History Professorial Chair.

These chairs may be assigned for specific academic areas such as information technology, languages, mathematics, nursing, philosophy, science, etc. They may also be designated for faculty of the Grade School, High School, College or Graduate School or for professional staff in other areas such as the Ateneo Research Office, the Ateneo Peace Institute or the Institute of Cultural Studies for Western Mindanao.

Professorial Chairs

P 12,000 ($230)P 1,000 / month
P 24,000 ($460)P 2,000 / month

Endowed Professional Chairs

P 250,000 ($4,800)P 1,000 / month
P 500,000 ($9,600)P 2,000 / month
  • In the case of endowed faculty chairs, only the interest is used for the honoraria.
  • As noted above, the donations for the endowed chairs may be programmed on a regular basis to build up the fund.


  • In the Philippines, checks are to be written out to “Ateneo de Zamboanga University.” Donations for professional chairs are tax deductible if given by corporations.
  • For residence of the United Stated, tax deductibility is also available for both individuals and corporations. Checks are to be written out to the Jesuit Seminary and Mission Bureau and sent to: [Telephone (212) 734-1144; Fax Number (212) 794-1036]

Executive Secretary
130 Beekman Street
New York, NY 10038, USA

Contact Number:
Telephone Number (212) 385-1589
Fax Number (212) 964-2558
Email cris888@apl.com