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General Precautions for Personal Safety

9 July 2013



General Precautions for Personal Safety

Personal safety in any environment demands that each individual safeguards his/herself against becoming a victim of a crime. To maximize one’s safety and minimize risk, the following simple security rules should be followed:


When walking, individuals can help increase their safety with the following precautions:

1. Seek reliable advice on areas considered safe for walking.

2. Be aware of surroundings. Avoid groups of people loitering on the streets. If possible, walk with companions, there is safety in numbers. Walk with confidence. Show that you are aware and in control. Body language works.

3. Avoid walking too close to bushes, dark alleys, vacant or deserted areas, and other places of concealment. Use well-traveled and well-lighted routes.

4. Maintain a low profile and avoid display of expensive gadgets, jewelries, and the like.

5. Carry all belongings in a secure manner to prevent snatch-and-run theft.

6. Never hitchhike or accept a ride from strangers.

7. If a driver pulls alongside to ask for directions, do not approach the vehicle. A common criminal technique is to ask a potential victim to come closer. Answer from a distance (or say that you do not know). Do not approach the vehicle.

8. If someone suspicious is noted, cross the street or change directions away from them. If necessary, cross back and forth several times. If the person is following or becomes a threat, use whatever means necessary to attract attention of others. Remember, it 
is better to suffer embarrassment from being overcautious than to be a victim of crime.

9. Trust your instincts. If someone or something makes you feel uneasy, get out or get away. Move to a well-lighted and populated area or building, such as a store or restaurant, and call for assistance.

10. Carry a personal safety device, e.g., pepper spray, keys, flashlight, noisemaking device like a whistle, etc.

11. Know basic self-defense techniques and evasive tactics/techniques especially in case of abduction – do whatever you can to call the attention of others in the vicinity (show as much resistance as you can and shout as loud as possible).


1. If circumstances permit, always ask someone to pick you up or bring you to school- a family member, guardian or friend.

2. Always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you, no matter whether it is day or night.

3. Avoid traveling alone. As possible, travel with companions.

4. Avoid going home late at night.

5. When taking public transportation, wait for the tricycle, jeepney or bus in a well-lit, designated area.

6. Be mindful of pickpockets and thieves when waiting for transportation.

7. Avoid riding on deserted jeepneys or buses. Leave any public transport that feels uncomfortable or threatening.

8. After getting off any public transport, check to be sure no one is following.

9. Notify significant others of travel time, destination, and steps to take if late. Provide them information on the type of transportation you have taken including plate number.

University Security Council

Memo: 13-14:12