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General Assembly for Psychology Students held last August 10, 2011 at Belarmine Campion Lecture Hall

(Ms. Ailyn Sabdilon, chair of Psych department stating the agenda for the general assembly)

On August 10, 2011 the Psychology Department had its General Assembly for all psychology students in the university. The event was guided by the following agenda presented by the department chair of Psychology, Ms. Ailyn V. Sabdilon. Concerns on the revised admission and retention policies of the department, new curriculum, new grading system orientation, revised guidelines and schedule for thesis writers, UP status, development programs and co-curricular activities by APS and PsychICare.

The event also served as an avenue for all psychology students in the university to be acquainted with the familiar faces in the psych department starting off with the department chair and the rest of the faculty members like Ms. Rachel Castillo, Ms. Estesa Legaspi, Fr. Ekku Bustamante SJ, Mr. Gerald Ebal, and Mr. Jayson Sabdilon. It also paved way for students to meet and greet their fellow psychology students and be informed of the co-curricular activities of the department.