Arts Club

Aesthetic education is one of the important areas in the total development of the child. It aims to instill in children an appreciation of the beauty of God reflected in nature. Through the study of the arts and other means of human expression the quality of human life can be enriched.

To achieve this, the Art Program in the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School gives the basic art contents and techniques that can cultivate the students’ intuitive perceptions and creative drives. It also provides an opportunity and appreciation to contribute more fully to the practical applications in his/her daily life or work. It also takes into consideration the child’s creative growth as it relates to his/her physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Taught properly, art can help the child grow in independence by encouraging him to work at his level of maturity. He must be allowed to create. He learns this little by little through his awareness of colors and forms as they affect him as an individual.

The art club is organized to enhance the art offerings in the classroom and to give further opportunities for the child to develop his artistic skills to the fullest.

Book Lovers’ Club

Reading is recognized to be one of the most helpful skills in the learning process. it is a vehicle for obtaining ideas. through reading, an individual has at his command a means for widening his mental horizons and multiplying his opportunities for experiences.

Reading is considered an important tool that enables the students to learn with much success the various concepts in the different subject areas.

In cognizance of the aforementioned facts, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School organized the Book Lovers Club in the light of fostering love for reading. It also hopes to attract non-members of this club to love books and to love reading.

In this organization, students will read without fear of being tested afterwards. Reading will, therefore, be purely for recreation, for entertainment, for relaxation, for information, and for many other reasons, aside from being evaluated.

Brebeuf Club

The Brebeuf Sports Club is a service-oriented club organized to assist the physical education department chair and physical education teachers in fulfilling its role in the Grade School of providing and promoting the Sports Program for all the students. It aims to provide the necessary assistance in planning and scheduling of the activities throughout the year. It also provides assistance in officiating the games.

This Club is also organized to give its members the opportunities to put into action the vision and mission of the school of forming men and women for others. Through this club the members are able to serve the whole school population by rendering service in the capacity of referee, coach, scorer, etc.

Dance Club

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School Dance club is designed to complement the curricular offerings in Music, Arts & P.E. It is geared towards the physical as well as the social development of its members.

Through this organization the children’s talents in dancing preferably folk and modern are enhanced.

Students gain better understanding of the use of their bodies. Correct attitudes are developed through their interactions with other members of the club.

Through this club, students are provided opportunities for healthful relaxation and recreation, grace and rhythm, coordination of body movements, maintenance of fitness and body posture, and proper body mechanics.

Homemakers’ Club

A housemaker is one who manages a household.

A homemaker and manager of a household can either be male or female. He should be taught the art and science of homemaking, which includes the purchase, preparation and service of good food, the selection and making of clothing, the choice of house furnishings and the care of children.

In our objectives of preparing elementary school students not only for the higher levels of learning but also for life, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University organized the Homemakers’ Club. It hopes to provide students the basic principles of homemaking not only for the sake of the individual but for the family and the community where the person belongs. Through this club, the individual hopes to better serve others, PRO DEO ET PATRIA, for God and Country.

Red Cross Youth Council

Red Cross Youth is one of the six major services of the Philippine National Red Cross. Its mission is to educate children and youth in the spirit of Red Cross and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing their energy and idealism into worthwhile activities within the framework of the organization.

The link between those who can help and those who need help is what the Red Cross is all about. This humanitarian organization was conceived because there are people in need of help and compassion. Through the generosity and cooperation of people, the Red Cross is able to perform its role in our nation’s development.

Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School is a Jesuit School. In consonance with the Red Cross idealism and its commitment to serve others for the greater glory of God, the Junior Red Cross Organization was established. It is meant to provide the avenue through which its members will get the necessary training to be appropriately prepared to assist others in times of emergency. Its members also intend to train as many other non-members of the organization to prepare them to assist other people in their own places, most specially to cope up with any difficult situation or event.

Mathematics Club

The Sociedad Matematica Elementaria de Ateneo is a co-curricular organization formed to reinforce the objectives of the Mathematics curriculum in the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School. The organization aims to further develop and improve the knowledge and skills of students who are inclined to Mathematics and explore with them. This organization also caters to students who are gifted with logical, mathematical and communication skills and abilities, as stipulated in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Moreover, this organization brings into the limelight the recent trends in computer technology as the former helps the students see the interrelationship and close links between Mathematics and the technology.

With the ardent desire to make mathematics more interesting and significant in a learner’s life, the organization also introduces and develops activities that will help the learners see the relationship of Mathematics to the real world. It will provide learners with activities such as games, puzzles, discussion, film viewing, experiments and investigations.

As stipulated in the Vision – Mission of the school, the organization’s endeavor also includes, most of all, the sharing of God – given talents, knowledge and skills with the slow learners of the Grade School. It also hopes that sooner it will move out of Ateneo and adopt a community of less fortunate kids who need education yet deprived of the opportunity. As the process of sharing ripples, the learners will also develop in them skills and self-confidence needed for a life of dedicated service and the challenges in the real world.

Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT) Club

In the field of technology, one’s abilities and skills can be developed through one’s sense of awareness, creativeness, and resourcefulness. The Media, Information and Technoculture Club is an organization in the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School which inspires a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of the school’s vision.

This club is a support program for the curriculum of Computer Education, Social Science/Sibika at Kultura, and Communication Arts in the Grade School. Through the activities of this organization, students are trained to use technology tools to make a critical analysis of the school and the outside world practices, and cultural meanings associated with technologies of communication, information, knowledge, learning and entertainment.
Through the use of technology tools, each member of the club is given the freedom to express himself/herself and develop his/her God-given talents which will prepare him/her to serve the community and the outside world.

Plant Lovers’ Club

In its pursuit of imparting knowledge and skills imbued with the Ignatian ideals, the Plant Lovers Club organized to serve the students, especially grades V and VI mindful of man’s relationship with his environment and awareness of his duties and responsibilities toward his mother earth.

In our crusade to heighten awareness and guide our students in the conversation of our plant Earth, we are doing our share in our own small ways to keep our earth livable.

The Plant Lovers Club was organized to complement the HELE Curriculum. It aims to uplift our values to commit ourselves to love our planet Earth. It hopes to develop love for plants and an appreciation of the value of work.

Science Club

In the field of Science, one’s abilities can be developed through one’s sense of awareness, creativeness and inventiveness.

Along this line of thought, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School Science club was organized. It proposes to provide more information, opportunities and occasions for students to pursue and widen their interest in science in an informal situation and atmosphere.

Given the proper guidance and direction, members explore the ever dynamic world of science. Young boys and girls’ intense curiosity will be challenged.Their scientific skills will be sharpened through the carefully prepared exposures offered by this club.

This club hopes to turn boys and girls into young Filipino scientists.

Sing and Play Instrument Club

“Every individual is born with a talent”

The Ateneo Sing Along Club is a program designed for students who display an interest in singing. The main objectives of this club are to develop in students a lasting appreciation and enjoyment of music, knowledge of cultural traditions, and a sense of responsibility for exercising the students’ discriminative judgments in the choice of music to which they play and listen.

Tourism Club

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University Grade School Tourism Club is a social, cultural and educational oriented club. Through its program, it hopes to foster a better understanding of one’s cooperative and interdependent relationships with one’s countrymen, an appreciation of local and national culture and heritage and a fuller grasp of one’s responsibilities towards making our world a better place to live in.

It hopes to provide an education that will deepen the student’s awareness of their role as Zamboangueños and Filipinos in the development and progress of the nation and of the world as well.