“The Adopt A School Program of the AdZU, to be implemented thru the Educational Leadership Development Program (ELDP) was formally launched today (01 October 2009) with the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Ateneo and the Sangali National High School and Elementary School. The signing took place in Sangali National High School.

The ceremony was witnessed by Honorable Erico Basilio Fabian, District 2 Congressman; key DepEd Officials headed by Dr. Norma Vecina, OIC Division Superintendent; Barangay Officals led by Brgy Capt Oswaldo Felix; the city government represented by Councilor Rudy Lim as Chairman of the Committee on Education; Mr Oscar Carzada, ELDP Program Coordinator; Dr Socoro Canaya, Sangali National High School Principal; Ms Elsa Sahi, Sangali Elementary School; PTCA Officers, a representative from the Western Mindanao Power Corporation and other stakeholders in the community.

In his message Fr Antonio Moreno SJ, AdZU president, expressed his gratitude to the school officials and other stakeholders for their support and interest in the program and at the same time emphasized the need to strengthen this partnership between the Ateneo and the community through collaborative work with the different local stakeholders.”