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Fiesta Pilar

02 October 2009



I wish to inform our community that we will be the main sponsor of Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar Novena Mass on 08 October, 5.00 PM, Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar.

We assemble ourselves in front of LRC building at 3.30 PM and start our pilgrimage to Fort Pilar at 4.00 PM.

There will be no tertiary classes from 3.00 PM to enable our students and faculty to join the activity. Offices will likewise be suspended from 3.30 PM.  I leave it to the discretion of the faculty of graduate programs whether or not classes will be suspended.

I highly encourage Catholics to join the procession and Mass on that day.  The Campus Ministry and the Office of the Formation will organize this celebration of our Novena Mass.

There will be no classes and offices on 12 October, Monday, our Fiesta Pilar day.

I ask everyone to pray that our country be spared of further destruction from floods and typhoons.  May Our Lady protect us from all harm.


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 09-10: 28