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Fiesta Pilar

05 October 2011




On the occasion of the celebration of our City Fiesta to honor Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar on 12 October, Wednesday, there will be no offices and classes at all levels on this day.

Tomorrow, the Ateneo community will have a procession from AdZU La Purisima Campus at 3.00 PM to our Lady’s Shrine.  Classes in the tertiary level are called off from 2.55 PM.  Basic Education units have made special schedule and arrangement for members of the community who will join the procession.  For details see memo of Fr Wilfredo M Samson SJ of 29 September.

I thank the Office of the Formation and the Campus Ministry for organizing this pilgrimage to the Shrine of Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar.

I urge the participation of all Catholics in thanksgiving for blessing received and for whatever intentions we have.

We pray for and with our Blessed Mother, Queen of Peace, to grant us peace and development in our land.

Happy Fiesta to all!  Viva la Virgen!


Antonio F Moreno SJ

Memo: 11-12:19