Computer Engineering students make history in the 1st Institute of Computer Engineers in the Philippines, Inc (ICpEP) Regional Convention where they championed in the 3rd Regional CpE Student Programming Challenge and placed 2nd in the Quiz Bowl Competition.
Omar Yusuf Tagayan, Matt Andrew Selibio, Jesus Jomari Lacastesantos, Mary Nimrhode Tadifa and John Daniel Magdula competed against the best of the best computer engineering students in Zamboanga Peninsula last September 12 to 14, 2018 at Jose Rizal Memorial State University Dapitan City.

Lacastesantos, Tadifa and Magdula represented the school in the Quiz Bowl Competition where they won 1st runner up. Tagayan and Selibio championed in the Programming Challenge. With Janet Tan, CSIT faculty, as their official coach, Tagayan and Selibio will represent Region IX in the 2018 National CpE Challenge on November 26 to 29, 2018 at Baguio City.

ICpEp is an organization founded and led by Computer Engineers in the Philippines that aims to connect professionals and graduates of the field to support their careers and expand their knowledge and specialization in the field. The conventions are held in order to update the students and professional on the latest trends of the computer engineering industry, as well as enhance the competencies of computer engineering students through various competitions.