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Emergency Purchases or Availment of Services

Emergency Purchases or Availment of Services is a purchase made for items and services that are urgently needed and could not have been planned or foreseen, whereby a delay in the purchase could cause adverse effects on the part of the community or the office concerned

  • Emergency purchases done without a PCO-issued Purchase Order are to be reported to the PCO on the same day the transaction is made.
  • Should the transaction be made outside of normal office hours or during a holiday or non-working day, the said transaction should be reported early in the day of the next working day.
  • The reporting shall be in the form of a written note or letter justifying the transaction. Said note or letter should be duly signed by the head of office/department/unit accompanied by the duly accomplished Supplies Requisition Form or Job Requisition Form.
  • The SRF/JRF referred to should indicate therein that the purchased item(s) or services availed of were emergency in nature.