EBRARY is an online database for books from publishers like Elsevier, Academic Press, Willey Blackwell, SAGE Publications, McGraw-Hill Book Companies, National book Network, Boydell & Brewer, Ashgate Publishing, Harvard University Press, Cambridge University Press and many more.  It has full access to Academic Complete, a growing e-book collection spanning all academic subject areas.

Academic Complete includes 16 subject databases such as Business and Economics, Computers and IT, Education, Engineering and Technology, History and Political Science, Humanities, Interdisciplinary , Language, Literature and Linguistics, Law, International Relations and Public Policy, Life Sciences, Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Physical Sciences, Psychology and Social Work, Religion and Philosophy, Sociology and Anthropology.  
Below are a few easy steps to help you get started.

Getting Started

1.    Conduct a search – Using simple or advanced search, by keyword, publisher, author, and more.  View results ranked by book or chapter.
2.    Open a book – Click on the title name or jacket to view the book.  No downloads or installation are required..
3.    Explore the document – Navigate to search terms, search the document for key words, jump to relevant chapters, and flip through pages.
4.    Highlight text and take notes – You can create a bookshelf (if needed) to save and organize your research.
5.    Use InfoTools – Link out to other online resources to expand your research. Simply select word/s of interest in a document.
6.    Print pages, and copy and paste text – ebrary provides automatic citations with a URL hyperlink back to the source.
7.    Manage, archive and share research – By dragging books, highlights and notes into bookshelf folders, which can be emailed to peers or shared via URL.  This organizes your bookshelf and email folders to peers.


The idea for ebrary was spawned in 1988 when co-founder Christopher Warnock was unable to find the information he needed in a local library to build a recumbent bicycle: Engineering books were in the basement, books on bikes in general were on the third floor, and periodicals were on the fourth floor in microfiche. Additionally, Christopher had to check back and forth for relevant information between the library’s OPAC and card catalog, which was time consuming and inefficient.

In 1998, Christopher discussed this problem with high school friend Kevin Sayar, and together they decided to address it. The two believed that books and other information should be available online to meet the growing needs of libraries, researchers, and publishers in the Internet era.

Ebrary was founded by Christopher and Kevin in 1999.

An industry pioneer, ebrary has since grown into a leading e-book provider to libraries and researchers worldwide.

Ebrary was acquired by ProQuest in January 2011. (http://www.ebrary.com/corp/company.jsp)