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E-BRARY Presentation and Hands-on Training

March 22, 2011


MEMO :    TO Academic Vice-President, Deans, Directors, and Chair Persons

FROM :    Florinda T. Tabanao
Library Director

RE   :    E-BRARY Presentation and Hands-on Training

I would like to invite everyone to attend the presentation and hands-on training of E-BRARY which will be held at the Basic Laboratory, 3rd floor, College Building, at 10:00 am on March 29, 2011. The training will be given by Cloyd Cunanan, Area Sales Manager for LibTech Source Philippines, Incorporation, an affiliate of IGroup (Asia Pacific) Limited.

E-BRARY offers a suite of integrated products and services that address the digital content needs of academic libraries, corporations, government, public libraries, schools, publishers and societies, aggregators and distributors, financial services and individuals.

The content products include:

  • Growing subscription databases with simultaneous, multi-user access
  • Pick and choose purchases of individual titles- buy access for any number of users
  • Starter packs and bundles of purchased titles at discounted rates
  • Ability to purchase titles based on usage by end-users.

All E-BRARY products and services can be integrated and delivered via the same E-BRARY interface- no reader required with Quick View. They also include powerful tools for information discovery and management including Info Tools.


Thank you.