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DRAWING A BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE | The CEAP IX and Western BARMM – ZAMBASULTAPS Strategic Planning 2023 Concluded

Drawing a Blueprint for the Future (1)

The most daring dreams can be achieved by the power of connections.

With an intrepid coalition of experts from socio-political, economic, and educational backgrounds joining forces once again, everything is possible. To design a comprehensive set of goals and clearer courses of action, the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) and Western Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) – Zamboanga Basilan Sulu Tawi-Tawi Association of Private Schools (ZAMBASULTAPS) Strategic Planning was set into full motion.

From August 9, 2023 to 10, 2023, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University – Lantaka Campus at Valderosa Street provided the stage for this vital union of minds set to tackle this great undertaking.

Idea-makers, professors, social workers, and other field specialists sat down in dialogue and with open minds to achieve the following objectives: to review accomplished projects from the previous strategic plans, to undergo prayerful reflection on the developments of society, align vision-mission-goals, pin-point the most pressing issues faced in modern times, and finally, to determine how to apply and achieve all these within the next 3 years.

Formally opening Day 1’s activities through prayer was a Eucharistic Celebration presided by the AdZU President Fr Guillrey Anthony “Ernald” M Andal, SJ. This was followed by a presentation of the strategic planning process shown by Deputy CEAP Executive Director Ms Mary Ann S Cruz. Reviews and evaluations were also done for the previous strategic plan identifying programs and activities that have been completed and those that need to be carried over into the years 2023 to 2026.

Perspectives and Developments in today’s world were explored starting with a National Socio-Economic-Political Situationer presented by the Assistant to the President for Social Development of AdZU Mr Mario S Rodriguez. Delving into the Perspectives of the Local and Universal Church and their impact on education was the Assistant to the President for Formation in AdZU Mr Honey Rod T Alfaro together with the Dean of the School of Education for AdZU Dr Dorothy Joann Lei L Rabajante.

Fr Eduardo M Santoyo, OMI for Western BARMM and Ms Elnora R Perez for Region 9 identified and targeted the most important and urgent issues that CEAP Region 9 should prioritize in the coming years. Closing the day’s activities was a prayer delivered by Bro Joseph Roy D Villarin, CMF, Director of Claret School of Zamboanga City.

For Day 2, Fr Guillrey Anthony M Andal, SJ led the attendees for a morning praise and a recap of prior events to jumpstart the day’s activities.

Shortly after, the Operational Planning pushed through wherein individuals formed breakout groups to define objectives, strategies and performance indicators each focusing on a set goal. Fr Allen Z Rocamora headed the Solidarity and Synodality group, Fr Elmer G Sumile (JEEPGY Coordinator) led those who will tackle Transformative Education, and Br Joseph Roy D Villarin guided the group for Discernment and Advocacy. A report was presented by each cluster after the separate cell discussions.

The main highlight of the Strategic Planning took off in the afternoon where major activities were identified and charted for the next three years with further study on the next steps for work-planning.

Ending this two-day strategic meeting is a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr Eduardo M Santoyo, OMI and Regional Trustee for Western BARMM with the ZAMBASULTAPS Board convening for an overall meeting and synthesis of the event’s findings and outcomes shortly after.

AdZU’s collaborative efforts with society’s most significant groups and sectors brings us closer to the noble dreams we envision for the city and the region. We are filled with hope and the grace of the Almighty as we gathered the brightest and most passionate individuals in the pursuit of a better, brighter society. All these for God and Country, Pro deo et Patria.