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Designated Motorcycle Parking

To:  The University Community

Greetings of Peace!

In our effort to have a more orderly and systematic parking procedure inside the campus, we are designating the vacant space of the Brebeuf grounds near the SHS Kostka building as parking space for student-owned motorcycles.  Effective today, January 4, no motorcycles will be allowed to park in the areas surrounding the BC building. Faculty and Staff are allowed to park their motorcycles at the Brebeuf grounds area or the reserved parking space near gate 3.

We hope that this new system will improve the over-all ambience of the university as well as allow more space for pedestrians to walk freely inside the campus. 

May this New Year bring about a renewed sense of hope and excitement for a brighter future to our families, our school community, and to our nation!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Richard V. Ella, SJ
Asst. to the President for Administation