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DECEMBER 31, 2011

DECEMBER 31, 2011

The Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

Reading 1 1 John 2: 18-21

Psalm: Ps 96: 1-2, 11-12, 13

Gospel: John 1: 1-18

The Gospel speaks about how the word of God became human like us and how John had testified to this truth.  We all know that one Holy Night someone was born, and on that very night, God became human like us delivers us from sin and evil.  And as God send His son into this world, this is also the act of how much God loves us, telling us that we are not alone and that He will never leave us even if we are in darkness.

When I was in darkness, I always blame God for everything and threatened Him that I will no longer believe in Him; I even cursed Him and said to myself that I am useless in this world.  But through God’s birth and coming into the world, I was reminded of the joy and love of God.  He became man to let us understand His word, showed to us real love, a love that no one can understand, unconditional love.  And here I am, with so much anger and complaints, even blaming Him of the problems I have.  I have not understood that this difficulty was given to me with a reason; a reason that I would become stronger and be reminded that in darkness or in light, God is always with me.  He will always be in front of me, to lead me to the right path, at my side, to accompany me in my journey to life and most especially at my back, to catch me if I fall.

Indeed the birth of Christ brought life to all; a life full of hope, joy and love.

May we be inspired to this coming and celebrate the New Year with love and blessings.

Happy New Year to all.


Campus Minister