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December 29, 2014 : Fifth day in the Octave of Christmas

December 29, 2014

Fifth day in the Octave of Christmas

Gospel Lk 2:22-35

“Do Not Be Afraid”

It has been four years since my “popsy” left. And I clearly remember how hard it was when he was crying while trying to talk to me on our way to the emergency room. It was a quick scenario where I did not mind at all because at that point I was full of courage and hope that “popsy” would regain his strength again. The doctor informed me that he got only few weeks to live. “Popsy” stayed at the hospital half paralyzed, diabetic and hypertensive. During those days, I constantly talked to him, and I was then so positive that he could recover. Among the members of our family, I was the one who really believed that he would live long. Then the time came; his life was taken from us.

In the gospel today, Simeon said: “Lord, now let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled.”

It is a call for us to be ready and have that faith in Him to accept the things that happened to us like the loss of our loved ones. Though at first it was hard to grasp what had happened, later on I realized how blessed we were to be able to spend time together with “popsy” throughout the hard and good times. God really works in our life in different ways in which we could never imagine. All of us are indeed given the gift of life, and this life will be taken away from us someday, for us to return to our Almighty Father. Hence, we should be very grateful of this wonderful gift that God has given us. And as we are preparing ourselves in the coming of the Advent, we are once again invited to celebrate and value our earthly life at its fullness.



1.) Is your life in tune with the Holy Spirit?

2.) How are you right now in your life’s journey?

Meryll C. Resoor

Campus Minister