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Home » Migrated » December 22, 2014 : Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

December 22, 2014 : Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

December 22, 2014

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Gospel Lk 1:46-56

My spirit rejoices in god savior

How do i thank someone who, inspite of my imperfections simply refuses to give up on me? Someone whose love is beyond human understanding? Someone so great and powerful he really had no need of me?

I am a sinner; in the course of my waking hours i wonder how many times i offend god. Certainly it’s many…so many i lose tract. Yet God readily forgives each and every sin. He hugs and lifts me up every time i fall.

How can i fittingly thank God? He, who commands the sun to shine on everyone and who allows the rain to fall on both good and bad. Should i perform a deed so great, volunteer to walk on mars perhaps, to get his attention? No, i don’t have to be a hero because god is not a demanding god. He simply loves unconditionally.

My soul oozes with gratefulness to the almighty god for he treats me so lovingly even if i offended him again and again. I wish my life to be mirror of god’s own goodness. My whole being to find its meaning in loving and serving him. To be able to see and love Jesus in the face of the door, the sick, the broken-hearted is what i desire. Everyday i pray that god will fill me with his spirit so that my every thought, word and deed is of him, for him, with him. May he in his everlasting goodness and purify my intentions that i may glorify, praise and honor him every minute of my life. God deserves nothing but the best all of us.

Reflection questions:

1. Do i acknowledge god as the reason for my being?

2. How do i show my love for him?

Josephine Judith P. Alforte

Assistant Dean, College of Nursing