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December 20, 2014 : Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

December 20, 2014

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

Gospel Lk 1:26-38

I admire so much the courage of Mary when angel Gabriel announced to her that she would bear a child. Although she was a little bothered at first, she immediately said yes to the will of the Father given the short span of time.“Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Mary found favor in God by bearing Jesus in her womb.

I can say that I, too, as an ordinary person found favor from God. The only difference is that I did not bear a child of my own. Before, bearing a child was really an issue to me. I really had to process my painful experience. I reacted so differently from the will of God. I did not immediately see the wisdom of God and did not find the courage to accept the reality. Many people say that motherhood is a painful privilege.

Now, I am married for 13 years, and I am a happy mother myself. EJ is a gift to me from God.I believe that the key to happiness is to say YES to the will of God just like what Mary, our Mother did.

Liza M. Garrido

Faculty, School of Education