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December 17, 2014 : Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

December 17, 2014

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Gospel Mt 1:1-17

From the Babylonian exile to the Christ, fourteen generations

Jesus, the Son of God, belonged to a family of sinners like us, all Christians. He himself did not choose to be a descendant of fourteen generations of sinful people from Abraham to David. However, He acknowledged and accepted that He was part of these generations and led a decent life, performing miracles and doing the will of the Father. Although He lived in a wicked world, He did not allow evil to triumph over Him even in times of desolation, betrayal by His own disciples, and in the face of death.

Reading the book of genealogy of Jesus Christ reminds me of my own generations. I, too, did not choose to be part of my past generations. I might not like my own family and relatives for one reason or the other, but I had the choice to take the chance to change the course of time. Up to this time, I have taken the chances or opportunities to ma ke wise choices to change my life for the better for my present generation – my children.

In relation to my present generation, at some point, I complained to my husband about the behaviour of my children. In response, he stressed that I need to recognize their individual differences and accept their different personalities. With his points, I realized that as a mother or parent, I am challenged to bring out the best character in each of my children. Given the responsibilities of raising my children on my own, I need to emerge myself above any difficult situation, especially when I am confronted with problems concerning them. After all, my children are left under my care, and I am contributing largely to who and what they will become in the future.

With the task of rearing my own children in the midst of life’s uncertainties and in a world full of evil and negative forces, I am reminded of my own sinfulness, weaknesses, unworthiness, and nothingness, yet I am consoled and strengthened by God’s loving presence, unconditional love, and divine mercy and intercessions in my life through His blessings and angels in disguise.



  1. Have I reached out to my own family or relatives even those who have caused some misfortunes to me?
  2. Acknowledging my own sinfulness and unworthiness before God, have I sincerely forgiven those who have wronged me?

Mary Sheildred D. Angeles

Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences