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DECEMBER 16, 2011

DECEMBER 16, 2011

Friday of the Third Week of Advent

Reading 1: Isaiah 56: 1-3, 6-8

Psalm: Psalm 67: 2-3, 5, 7-8

Gospel: John 5: 33-36

Jesus has performed miracles in his time. He broke the system of racial discrimination, societal barriers and the likes in order to bridge mankind yet, people refuse to acknowledge Him as the Messiah. The question raised here is why did man refuse to do so? Why Jesus did revealed Himself knowing that He might be rejected after all? Why does He care so much for us in the first place? I thought about it for some time. Man has a tendency to rely mostly in his mind. If this is the case, we’re bound to fail. Our logic is limited that it couldn’t grasp the totality of God’s love for us.  Jesus revealed Himself to save us from the bondage of sin.

He delivered us to the Lord. His invitation calls for us to walk with Him. The first step is always the hardest probably because we have this fear in our hearts that we don’t know what’s up in the next corner or maybe we just don’t feel like doing it. Our journey with Him would have a lot of twist and turns but more importantly He just have to have faith in Him. Opening our hearts is a key step for it is in our hearts that God resides. Ultimately, God wants us to share to us eternity with Him. It is up to us to accept Him in our lives and be filled with His glory.


Student, School of Medicine