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December 14, 2014 : Third Sunday of Advent

December 14, 2014

Third Sunday of Advent

Gospel Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

. . . a witness to testify to the light . . .

I remember a conversation with a friend of mine, a widow for five years asked me, “How are you my friend?”. “I’m good!” accompanied with a big smile was my instant reply. She carried on, “You’re a widowbarely two years yet, I see you carry your state with serenity and calm. While me until now, I’m still raw in grief and find it hard to face the morrow. Tears just keep falling any time of the day and I find myself choking in pain.” Then I told her, “My friend, I’m still deeply grieving for the loss of Romy, what you see in me is “joy” that comes from the peace of the Lord, a reflection of my faith, hope, trust and confidence in the Lord’s promise I’m clinging on in Romans 28: 8, … “God makes all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Furthermore, I meditate on what Paul tells us to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4) and to “give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” This is the kind of joy that anchors me during this difficult moment, and holding me fast when the storms of life swirl around me.

Living in this imperfect world makes us suffer any form of emotional pain. It may be grief over a lost loved one, separation, illness, a continuing problem affecting a love one, like, addiction, relationship problem with the family and in-law, short in cash, hurt, etc. That we think God doesn’t seem to hear our prayers. I like the way April Motl say it in the following words: “We no longer see His eyes set carefully watching us, or feel His hands wrapped gently around us, because all we feel at the moment is pain and despair.” Then thanking God becomes so hard and difficult for us to do. We then cease to be His light in darkness, to be His witness for others. However, we have a choice: to continue feeling that “joy in peace” while we fix our vision of heaven or give up and let the enemy win.


Is your heart free to give thanks to your Father in heaven despite the circumstances of your life? Do you choose to receive God’s grace to be a witness of God’s love?

Fe Dls. Delantar

Faculty, Grade School