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December 10, 2014 : Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent

December 10, 2014

Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent

Gospel Mt 11:28-30

“Come to me, all who are weary…”

The liturgical color of Advent is violet, the same as that of Lent. Why is this? We usually equate violet with sadness or gloom. We have no problem associating the color with Lent, but why Advent? We know that Advent refers to a coming, an expectation or a hope.

What do we look forward to at the start of this new liturgical year? During Lent we look forward to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus at Easter. During Advent many look forward to Christmas, but the essence of this season is to await the birth of Jesus, who will show us and teach us the true meaning of God in our lives. God is a spirit, and this intangible spirit becomes incarnated in the life of the one we acknowledge as the Son of God, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

The invitation of Jesus to all who are weary and find life burdensome to come to him is a consolation to all of us in our journey through life. Jesus reassures us we are not alone in the trials and tribulations of life. He journeys with us and he is the Good Shepherd watching over his flock. He carries us in the famous story of “footprints in the sand.”

Lest we forget, he is the cornerstone and foundation of our life and faith. We are Christians because we are supposed to be his followers and disciples. We hope we are Christians who follow Jesus in name and in deed. We listen to his exhortation to deny ourselves, in order to take up the cross and follow him in serving others. I learn to say no to myself, so I can say yes to God and others in loving and humble service. Paul reminded us, “I live no longer I, but Christ lives in me.”

When I face life alone, it gets burdensome. But when I go through life with Jesus, its burdens become lighter and easier to carry. This is true, not only because Jesus says so, but because he gives meaning and direction to all that I believe and do. My abstract love of God and others becomes real when I apply and carry out all that Jesus taught me in the gospel stories. I learn to become more humble, just and compassionate. I learn to treat others the way God treats us. I learn not to judge by appearances, because God does not judge us by our worthiness or unworthiness. I learn to love God and neighbor by doing unto others what I want them to do to me.

When all these ideals become real to me, I can truly say together with Jesus, “The reign or reality of God is here.”

Salvador C. Wee, SJ

Jesuit Residence